Variables analyzed (Yahoo finance) Boeing (BA) NASDAQ Dell General Electric (GE) General Motors (GM) IBM McDonalds (MD) Microsoft (MSFT) Coca Cola Pepsi Cola
Original data (Yahoo finance)
Logarithm base 10 of data
Scree plot (values of PC’s variances)
First two principal components
First two principal components less the means, sign corrected
Detrended time series (STL)
Normal Probability Plots for Detrended Data BANASDAQ MSFTPEPSI
Scree plot (values of PC’s variances)
Chi-square Normality test using original data (p=10)
Chi-square Normality test (BA+NASDAQ)
Normality test (BA+NASDAQ) Boeing NASDAQ
Chi-square Normality test (NASDAQ+DELL)
Chi-square Normality test using PCs (p=10)
Chi-square Normality test using PC1+PC2
Normality test using PC1+PC2 PC1 PC2
Normality test, using PC1 + PC2 Principal component 1 Principal component 2
Chi-square Normality test using PC3 + …+ PC10
Relationship between PC1 and data Principal component 1 BOEING
Relationship between PC1 and data Principal component 1 NASDAQ
Relationship between PC3 and data Principal component 3 COCA
Time series of statistical distance for PC3, …, PC10 Time series of statistical distance for PC1 and PC2
First two PCs for 3000 initial data points PC1 PC2
First two PCs for 3000 initial data points PC1 PC2
First two PCs for data points PC1 PC2
First two PCs for data points PC1 PC2
First two PCs for data points PC1 PC2