Erol Inelmen Bogazici University Istanbul, Turkey inelmen at ‘Frontier research’ as a novel approach in the engineering curriculum of tomorrow
Bissell, C.C. Control Education: Time for Radical Change?, IEEE Control Systems, 10, 44-49, (1999).
Mathematics Unlimited–2001 and Beyond, Engquist, B. and Schmid. W. (ed.), Springer, Berlin..(2000).
We can now proceed by suggesting that “frontier research” can an effective intrinsic source of motivation to become innovative in the engineering practice.
Examples from the human and natural sciences have been summarized to encourage future professionals to be at the cutting edge of knowledge from the start of their careers.
social research (a.), economic research (b. to d.), political science (e.), environmental research (f. to i.), technological development (j. to q.), medical research (r. to u.).
Using the successful case at Texas A&M as an evidence, during the UICEE conference at Wismar (2000), Wald gave some clues on the way to approach change in educational institutions.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The inspirations given by Dr.Ahmad Ibrahim as an example of how networking can be implemented among peers in several UICEE since 1998 are acknowledged.