DOCUMENT APPROVAL PROCESS Office of the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
A brief description or justification is required. Address the memo to the Provost. Obtain appropriate approval(s) prior to submission. Only the memo is required in our office. Create a requisition. Both the memo and requisition will be reviewed for final approval. Requisitions or memos will be returned for none action. MEMBERSHIPS
(letterhead) MEMORANDUM DATE: TO:Dr. Pablo Arenaz, Provost & VPAA THROUGH:xxxxx, Chair xxxxx, Dean FROM: SUBJECT:Membership dues to _________________. I am requesting your approval to pay membership dues to ___________________ in the amount of $_________. RequisItion # ____________ has been created for this purpose. This membership is necessary for me to …. (state the justification or benefit for this membership) Ex: stay up to date on new practices, enhance my knowledge, professional development, leading professional association, academic work is presented and published, contribute toward obtaining external funding for research, etc… Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at extension ______. Thank you for your support. (signature) APPROVED: ____________________________________ XXXXX, Chair ____________________________________ XXXXX, Dean ___________________________________ Dr. Pablo Arenaz, Provost and VPAA
Travel forms must be submitted prior to travel. All fields must be completed. Insure appropriate signatures are obtained prior to submission. Please provide an explanation or justification for late submissions. FOREIGN TRAVEL
Forms must be completely filled in. Verify service dates and amount. Provide adequate information of the service(s) rendered. No other signature aside from the Provost should be on the “Appropriate V.P.” line. Forms are sent to the appropriate destination unless specifically noted. Forms are located on the Budget, Payroll, Grants & Contracts website at: under “Forms”. Service/independent CONTRACTS
Documentation required by our office is independent of what any other administrative office may/may not require. Paperwork must be submitted to our office within 2 weeks from the start date. Justification is required for adjuncts teaching upper level courses or courses out of his/her discipline. ADJUNCT/GAT NEW HIRE CHECKLIST
o Please keep in mind that we receive many forms for signature on a daily basis. It is difficult for us to keep track of specific verbal instructions. o If you have a specific request, please place a note on the form(s) with instructions. Include your room # or extension if needed. o Please make any necessary copies for your records before submitting forms/documents to our office. CONCLUSION
I hope that you find this presentation helpful and/or informative. You can access this power point presentation at any time from our website at: If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me at ext or at