Level III-EuSTD-web Varna 2008 Eva Trnova, Josef Trna, Luis Marques
Minutes of the Third Meeting (Wroclaw) Task 9: Plan for the implementation of a Module at Level 3. The need to decide on Action Research project. To present a plan of work to the group. To create a small (trans-national) group. (Each other country may need to nominate one teacher to be involved in this). To be responsible for making a proposal - and to present. Responsible: University of Brno + University of Aveiro (Luis + Eva)
Application Form for Full Proposal Main focus, aims, activities, outcomes: nothing about Level III
Application Form for Full Proposal Objectives: Objective 3: Opening education and training to the world: That project produced a set of materials for science teacher professional development, with interconnected levels, namely: Level III, investigative projects, conducted by teacher in their own classrooms, using an action-research methodology and working in a pan-European field in conjunction with other teachers. For example, the proposed project would greatly facilitate skilled teachers from different participant countries working together on action-research projects (level III programmes).
Application Form for Full Proposal The overall aims are: To enhance wider cooperation between European science teachers and trainers utilising electronic communication for enhancing science teaching, science education trainers/facilitators and classroom action research related to the web-based modules.
Application Form for Full Proposal The rationale for requiring three years period of time is: the implementation and evaluation of the total e- system as well as each individual e-module, which involves exchange of ICT experiences, recruitment of teachers at a range of skill levels to ensure e- modules at levels II and III are made operational and the incorporation of the views from teachers with different cultural backgrounds in the final e-system;
Application Form for Full Proposal The main outputs of the project will be: An e-system comprising of a set of articulated e-modules for teacher professional development in a web-based environment. The e-system starts with a module at the Gateway induction level (Level I) which determines needs and offers guidance; proceeds to e-modules at level II (a set of independent, but interlinking, e-modules concerned with different dimensions of science education, for example, science content motivation: nature of science; environment issues) and concludes with the potential to be involved at level III, consisting of action-research projects, linked to level II learning.
Application Form for Full Proposal The contributions of each partner will be the following: Each institutional partner will be responsible for: (a) extending at least one module to an e- module format at level II (and its corresponding gateway material) and level III.
Application Form for Full Proposal Envisaged outputs: At level III, the teacher project is expected to involve teachers, on average, for 60 hrs, with the collaboration of teachers from other participant country (-ies) and may extend over a period of months where classroom data collection is involved. The responsibility for guiding this lies with the partner institutions interacting with each teacher.
Application Form for Full Proposal Specific tasks of each partner: (a) transforming their module at level II and III into a web-based environment;
Application Form for Full Proposal Work plan: All web-based materials tried out (as individual e-modules). E-system is tested as an entity, including level III. Evaluation instruments developed. April 2007 – March 2009
Results E-module Level III is: 1. obligatory included into all modules 2. related to the module 3. in e-module format 4. the action research related to the web-based module 5. aimed to skilled teacher 6. long for 60 hrs 7. conducted by teachers in their own classrooms 8. produced in collaboration of teachers from other country (pan- European field) 9. with the responsibility for guiding by the partner interacting with teacher 10. not main outcome
Proposal of solution Team of experts: Arminda+ Lúcia +Luis; Eva+Josef Piloting of Level III: Brno-module (co-operation: Brno+Aveiro) Common methodology of Level III: outcome of piloting; the use into each e-module Level II Common e-module Level III: the final „window“ in Moodle of each e-module Level II Example of Level III: insert the example of action research project into each e-module Action Research e-module: insert the study of Tartu-module Level II (action research) into each e-module
The final „window“ in Moodle of each e-module Level II E-module Level III: Module introduction: Content (authors of e-module) Methodology (common) Assesment (common) Go to module: A quick guide (common) Go to Tartu-module (common) Lessons of methodology (common) Action research project – example (authors of e-module) Forum (authors of e-module) News & socialize (authors of e-module)
Level III – a challenge againts the mainstream Insights and innovations from research provide valid new strategies for improvement to consider … … but seldom make a general and sustainable impact on the field. This is in part because researchers often focus on issues not central to the concerns of practitioners
Level III – an experience neglecting an “engineering” model and stressing an “enlightenment” model (Hammersley, 2002) research providing specific and immediately applicable technical solutions to problems in the manner that engineering is assumed to do research shaping practices through providing knowledge or ideas that influence the ways in which practitioners think about their work
Level III – looking for its context There is insufficient educational research that is focused on the classroom and that supplies practical knowledge which can be used to improve the quality of teaching The effectiveness of teaching in schools would be substantially improved if it was a research-based profession Radical changes are required. Practitioners must take an active role both in shaping the direction of educational research and also doing some research
Level III – what is being designed Research project in the context of a master thesis in supervision Methodology: action-research Participants: biology teachers from Check Republic and Portugal Supported by an online environment
Supervision of school practices in Science Teaching in an European context: an online partnership study
Theoretical framework Supervision and reflexive trainning of teachers: reflection in, about and for the action (Schön 1995; Alarcão 2005; Sá-Chaves 2007) Supervision and reflexive trainning of teachers: reflection in, about and for the action (Schön 1995; Alarcão 2005; Sá-Chaves 2007)
The motivation promotes new pedagogical and methodological attitudes in different types of interaction between teachers, students and contents (Tapia & Fita 2004;Balancho & Coelho 2005) The motivation promotes new pedagogical and methodological attitudes in different types of interaction between teachers, students and contents (Tapia & Fita 2004;Balancho & Coelho 2005) Special contributions provide by ICT in the science teaching (Eurydice 2006) Special contributions provide by ICT in the science teaching (Eurydice 2006)
Research Question What are the advantages of the process of self-supervision and peer-supervision for the teachers involved in the project? What are the advantages – positive outcomes - at the classroom level, for the students?
Main aims To analise the influence of sharing knowledge and experiences in the process of personal and professional development of teachers involved in the project To encourage the development of a partnership among peers with diverse experiences, both national and transnational To recognize the importance of ICT in the process of shared experiences of teaching and learning
Planning each activity Action – implementation of the plan in a particular way Observation of the effects of the action, gathering data using different tools Reflection – reflexive debate about the effects of the action Practice/theory – reconstruction of the significance of the study situation New ideas for the action → new cycle
Participants Biology teacher of the Secondary School of Gymnazium Boskovice – Czech Republic Teacher of the the Secondary School of Viseu – Portugal, and her Students of the 12th level of Biology
Gathering information observation interaction and dialogue between the teachers administration of a questionnaire to collect students’ opinions development of a portfolio
Data processing Documental analysis Content analysis Mostly qualitative analysis
Schedule JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug Review of literature Preparation of materials and their implementation Administration of the students’ questionnaire Data collection and treatment Preparation of the dissertation