First Background Exp Friday 29 Feb 2008
First Bkgd Exp after 4 days of harsh O3/lights cleaning Conditions: –RH between 50 – 60% (sensirion is not working) –NO2 about 85 ppb –NO VOC –Lights on Instruments –wCPC –O3 –NOx –DMPS (reconfigured to measure down to 3nm)
Bag test in a flush position and doors are closed (after 9:15)
Conditions at start of lights on Final fill was done as 3 cycles of 2 min via humidifier and 1 min dray (2/3 time humid) and the edge tech RH reading was 40% on completion. Edge Tech after 1 hour of lights is: NOx before injection (28ppb, 21NO and 7NO2). After injection it is 89ppb (22NO and 67 NO2) O3 is below 5ppb CPC is counting 13p/cc
10:39 (1 hour of lights on)
11:53 (more than 2 h light)
Almost 5 hours of light 0.12ugm-3.. Fantastic
6 hours of light (End of Exp) 0.09 ugm-3
The arc lamp failed at some point during the experiment! It did come on at the start of the exp.