Virginia Tech Gunman Cho Seung-Hui Video Clip
No change in public opinions on gun control after Va. Tech killings the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reports today. 60% Americans say controls on gun ownership are more important than protecting the rights of Americans to own firearms; but 32% say the opposite. Opinion has changed little since 2004, when 58% said “it was more important to control gun ownership than to protect the rights of gun owners. Pew adds that "at the same time, a 55% majority opposes a ban on the sale of handguns, while just 37% favor such a ban.” There was greater support for gun control in the late 1990s and in In 2000, the public was evenly split over a handgun ban (47% favor/47% opposed). Pew says it surveyed 1,508 adults from Wednesday through Sunday (2007). It estimates the margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points. Source: USA Today
The Gallup Poll: Gun Control QSzWnQhttp:// QSzWnQ