The Global Brand Face-off. Espoir Cosmetics Case requirements, and helpers. NB : this case can be worked on in teams of 3 max, if you feel more confortable.
Espoir Global Promotion questions (1) What major cultural and consumers’ behavior similarities and differences do you see in Espoir’s industr(ies) behavior between US, Russia and France ? What do you conclude from the above regarding the « American Movie Stars » promotion. What aspects of Brand personality, culture and Brand Identity « Espoir » could be developed globaly with this promotion ?
Espoir Global Promotion questions (2) Would you say it leverages local brand strength/equity? Why / Why not ? Obviously, Singh faces managerial issues (struggles for power, hidden personal goals, …). How a Global Brand approach can help her, with which tools ?
Required work (Tuesday August 15) As usual, 6/7 ppt presentation for class discussion Assessment : 50/50 : Brand « global » understanding and mastering Use of tools NB : this case can be worked on in teams of 3 max, if you feel more confortable.
Some helpers Also refer to « branding » tools and concepts seen in class and on the web.
Culture Ways of living, built up by a group of human beings, transmitted from one generation to another
Culture « The values, attitudes, beliefs, artefacts and other meaningful symbols represented in the pattern of life adopted by people that help them interpret, evaluate and communicate as members of a society » C. Rice (1993) « The collective mental programming of the people in an environment. Culture is not characteristic of individuals; it encompasses a number of people who were conditioned by the same education and life experience » Hofstede (1991)
Attitudes, Beliefs, Values Attitudes - learned tendency to respond in a consistent way to a given object or entity Belief - an organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds to be true about the world Value - enduring belief or feeling that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to another mode of conduct
Values Lifestyles are expressions of sub-cultures Signs : icons, indexes & Symbols Heroes Rituals BRANDS ? Values Expressions of cultures A value is a broad Tendency to prefer a certain state of affairs Over others
The Brand Value Pyramid Meaningfulness Beliefs & Values Addressed to Functional & Emotional Benefits Provided Features, Processes and Attributes To be shown/desmontrated Easiness to Copy & communicate
Value Structure Maps (VSM) The name of the game is to link marketing offer attributes and benefits to values Also called the means-end chain model (Gutman)
Levels of associations Attributes - concrete - abstract Benefits/Consequences - functional - psychological Values - Instrumental - Terminal To be done for the category and each brand in the category
Culture and Consumer Behavior Consumption values Functional Values. Relate to needs and satisfaction from use and attributes Social Values. Relate to perceived utility in association with one or several social groups and self-building. Includes symbolic values of products and Brands. Emotional Values. Relate to emotional arousal linked to contact with or thinking of product/Brand Epistemic Values.Related to novelty seeking, curiosity arousal, knowledge seeking, innovation drive, variety Conditional Values. Related to capacity to provide temporary functional or social values
Cultural Universals Athletics Body adornment Cooking Courtship Decorative arts Education Ethics Property rights Religious rituals Etiquette Family feasting Food taboos Language Marriage Mealtime Mourning Music Status differentiation
Cultural diversity framework Social institutions Family Educational system Religious org Governmental type business Norms Values Ideas Attitudes Symbols Behavior Myths, Rites & Rituals Cultural universals Physical Artifacts Clothing tools,… Non-material Religion Perceptions beliefs Aesthetics Colors Music …. Dietary Language Verbal non-verbal Ethics