1 Foundations of Software Design Fall 2002 Marti Hearst Lecture 21: Sorting, cont.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Software Design Fall 2002 Marti Hearst Lecture 21: Sorting, cont.

2 QuickSort A Divide-and-Conquer recursive algorithm Divide: –If only one item in list, return it. –Else choose a pivot, and –Divide the list into 3 subsets Items pivot Recurse: –Recursively solve the problem on the subsets Conquer: –Merge the solutions for the subproblems Concatenate the three lists

3 Partitioning in QuickSort Partition: –Select a key (called the Pivot) from the dataset –Divide the data into two groups such that: All the keys less than the pivot are in one group All the keys greater than the pivot are in the other –Note: the two groups are NOT required to be sorted Thus the data is not sorted, but is “more sorted” than before Not too much more work to get them sorted. –What is the order of this operation? Linear (or O(n))

4 QuickSort An advantage: can be done “in place” –Meaning you don’t need to allocate an additional array or vector to hold the temporary results Do the in-place swapping in the divide step –Choose pivot –Have two indexes: L and R –While L is < R Move L forwards until A[L] > pivot Move R backwards until A[R] < pivot Swap them

5 The QuickSort Recursive Step public void quickSort(int left, int right) { if (left > right) return; int partition = partitionArray(left, right); quickSort(left, partition – 1); quickSort(partition + 1, right); }

6 Partitioning in QuickSort public int partitionArray(int left, int right) { int pivot = a[left]; while (left < right) { while (a[left] < pivot) left++; while (a[right] > pivot) right--; swap(left, right); } return left; }

7 Other Methods public class QuickSort { private int a[]; QuickSort (int size) { Random r = new Random(); int range = 1000; a = new int[size]; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) { a[i] = r.nextInt(range); } public void printQuickSort() { for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) System.out.print(a[i] + " "); System.out.println(); }

8 Other Methods private void swap (int l, int r) { int temp = a[l]; a[l] = a[r]; a[r] = temp; } public static void main(String args[]){ QuickSort qs = new QuickSort(8); System.out.println("Before Quicksort: "); qs.printQuickSort(); qs.quickSort(0, qs.a.length-1); System.out.println("After Quicksort: "); qs.printQuickSort(); }

9 Output Before Quicksort: After Quicksort: Before Quicksort: After Quicksort: Before Quicksort: After Quicksort:

10 Quick Sort – Choosing the Pivot Alternative Strategies –Choose it randomly Can show the expected running time is O(n log n) –Sample from the set of items, choose the median Takes more time If sample is small, only a constant overhead

11 Quick Sort Running Time analysis –If the pivot is always the median value Each list is divided neatly in half The height of the sorting tree is O(log n) Each level takes O(n) for the divide step O(n log n) –If the list is in increasing order and the pivot is the last value Each list ends up with one element on the right and all the other elements on the left The height of the sorting tree is O(n) Each level takes O(n) for the divide step O(n^2) –However, in practice (and in the general case), QuickSort is usually the fastest sorting algorithm.

12 QuickSort vs. MergeSort Similarities –Divide array into two roughly equal-sized groups –Sorts the two groups by recursive calls –Combines the results into a sorted array The difficult step –Merge sort: the merging –Quick sort: the dividing Running Time –QuickSort has a bad worst case running time –But in practice it is faster than the others Constants, and the way data is distributed –Also, MergeSort requires an additional array

13 Algorithm Animations –

14 Bucket Sort Sorting takes at least O(n log n) Can go faster given certain restrictions –Restriction: you know all the keys fall in some range 1 … M –Make an array of size M –For each item with key k, put it in bucket A[k] –The array then holds results in sorted order Takes time O(n + M) and space O(M) Doesn’t work if you don’t know the range of keys in advance –How is this different than a hash table?

15 Radix Sort Combine: –Bucket sort idea –Stable sort idea –Binary representation for the key To do the sort –Divide: Sort on bit position n into 2 buckets –Recurse: For each bucket: Sort on bit position n-1 into 2 buckets Running time: –O (b * n) where b == length of the key

16 Slide adapted from Goodrich & Tamassia

17 Sorting Arbitrary Objects We want to write sorting algorithms so they can sort lists of objects of any type To do this, we use java interfaces To discuss this, we first review –Polymorphism –Inheritance –Abstract Classes

18 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Inheritance Models the IS-A relationship –a student is-a person –an undergraduate is-a student –a rectangle is-a shape –a rook is-a piece Contrast with the Has-A relationship –a student has-a name –a rook has-a position Is-a relationships indicate inheritance, has-a relationships indicate composition (fields)

19 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Inheriting from a Class A class inherits another class of it contains the extends keyword public class Student extends Person Person is said to be –the parent class of Student –the super class of Student –the base class of Student –an ancestor of Student Student is said to be –a child class of Person –a sub class of Person –a derived class of Person –a descendant of Person

20 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Inheriting from a Class If a class header does not include the extends clause the class extends the Object class by default public class Die –Object is an ancestor to all classes –it is the only class that does not extend some other class A class extends exactly one other class –extending two or more classes is multiple inheritance. Java does not support this directly, rather it uses Interfaces.

21 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Implications of Inheritance The subclass gains all of the behavior (methods) and data regarding state (instance variables) of the super class and all ancestor classes Subclasses can: –add new fields –add new methods –override existing methods (change behavior) Subclasses may not –remove fields –remove methods

22 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Access Modifiers and Inheritance public –accessible to all classes private –accessible only within that class. Hidden from all sub classes. protected –accessible by classes within the same package and all sub classes Instance variables should usually be private protected methods are used to allow subclasses to modify instance variables in ways other classes can't

23 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, The Object Class All classes inherit Object directly or indirectly (via a chain of inheritance) Minimal class, but it does contain the toString, equals and getClass methods –implication is every class has a toString and equals method –normally classes will override these methods to give them a more meaningful behavior than the ones Object provides

24 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Shape Classes Declare a class called ClosedShape –assume all shapes have x and y coordinates –override Object's version of toString Possible subclasses of ClosedShape –Rectangle –Circle –Ellipse –Square Possible hierarchy ClosedShape -> Rectangle -> Square

25 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, A Shape class public class Shape { private double myX; private double myY; public Shape() { this(0,0); } public Shape (double x, double y) { myX = x; myY = y; } public String toString() { return "x: " + x + " y: " + y; } // Other methods not shown

26 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Overriding methods Any method that is not final may be overridden in a descendant class May use the original method if it is only a partial change: The Rectangle class –adds data, overrides toString

27 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, A Rectangle Class public class Rectangle extends Shape { private double myWidth; private double myHeight; public Rectangle() { this(0, 0); } public Rectangle(double width, double height) { myWidth = width; myHeight = height; } public String toString() { return super.toString() + " width " + myWidth + " height " + myHeight; } // other methods not shown

28 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, The Keyword super super is used to access something from the super class that has been overridden Rectangle's toString makes use of the toString in Shape by calling super.toString() –without the super calling toString would result in infinite recursive calls Java does not allow nested supers super.super.toString() results in a syntax error even though technically this refers to a valid method, Object's toString Rectangle partially overrides Shape’s toString

29 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, The role of final in Inheritance A class may be declared as final –that class may not be extended A method in a class may be declared as final –that method may not be overridden –guarantees behavior in all descendants –can speed up a program by allowing static binding (binding or determination at compile time what code will actually be executed)

30 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Constructors and Inheritance Constructors handle initialization of objects When creating an object with one or more ancestors (every type except Object) a chain of constructor calls takes place The reserved word super may be used in a constructor to call a one of the parent's constructors –must be first line of constructor if no parent constructor is explicitly called the default, 0 parameter constructor of the parent is called –if no default constructor exists a syntax error results

31 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Initialization method public class Rectangle extends Shape { private double myWidth; private double myHeight; public Rectangle() { init(0, 0); } public Rectangle(double width, double height) { init(width, height); } public Rectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height) { super(x, y); init(width, height); } private void init(double width, double height) { myWidth = width; myHeight = height; }

32 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Polymorphism and Object Variables The above code works if Rect extends Shape An object variable may point to an object of its base type or a descendant in the inheritance chain –A Rect extends shape so s may point to it This is a form of polymorphism and is used extensively in the Java Collection classes –Vector, ArrayList are lists of Objects Rect r = new Rect(10, 20); Shape s = r; System.out.println("Area is " + s.getArea());

33 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, More Polymorphism –code works because s is polymorphic –method call determined at run time by dynamic binding Circle c = new Circle(5); Rect r = new Rect(5, 3); Shape s = null; if( Math.random(100) % 2 == 0 ) s = c; else s = r; System.out.println( "Shape is " + s.toString() );

34 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Polymorphism allows s to point at a Rect object but there are limitations The above code does not work Statically s is a shape –no changeWidth method on shape –must cast s to a rectangle; Type Compatibility Rect r = new Rect(5, 10); Shape s = r; s.changeWidth(20); // syntax error Rect r = new Rect(5, 10); Shape s = r; (Rect)s.changeWidth(20); //Okay

35 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Problems with Casting The following code compiles but an exception is thrown at runtime Casting must be done carefully and correctly If unsure of what type object will be the instanceof operator or the getClass() method may be used expression instanceof ClassName Rect r = new Rect(5, 10); Circle c = new Circle(5); Shape s = c; ((Rect)s).changeWidth(4);

36 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Abstract Classes and Methods An abstract class is one that may not be instantiated –an object of that type never exists –a Shape or a Mammal a method may be declared abstract in its header, after visibility modifier –no body to the method –all derived classes must eventually implement this method –any class with 1 or more abstract methods is an abstract class

37 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Multiple Inheritance Inheritance models the "is-a" relationship between real world things In the real world a thing can have "is-a" relationships with several other things –a Graduate Teaching Assistant is-a Graduate Student. Graduate Teaching Assistant is-a Faculty Member –a Student is-a Person; a Student is a SortableObject

38 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, The Power of Polymorphism Polymorphism –allows collections, such as ArrayList, to hold anything –allows a method to work on multiple types create a sorting method that accepts arrays of SortableObjects it can sort anything Java chooses to use a limited form of multiple inheritance

39 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Interfaces A Java interface is a "pure abstract class". Design only, no implementation. Interfaces are declared in a way similar to classes but –consist only of public abstract methods –public final fields A Java class extends exactly one other class, but can implement as many interfaces as desired.

40 Why Use Interfaces? Useful for –Capturing similarities among unrelated classes without artificially forcing a class relationship. –Declaring methods that one or more classes are expected to implement. –Revealing an object's programming interface without revealing its class. You can use interface names anywhere you can use any other data type name. Only an instance of a class that implements the interface can be assigned to a reference variable whose type is an interface name.

41 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, The Java Comparable Interface compareTo should return –an int < 0 if the calling object is less than the parameter, –0 if they are equal, –an int > 0 if the calling object is greater than the parameter package java.lang public interface Comparable { public int compareTo( Object other ); }

42 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Implementing an Interface public class Card implements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object otherObject) {Card other = (Card)otherObject; return myValue - other.myValue;} If a class declares that it will implement an interface, but does not provide an implementation of all the methods in that interface, that class must be abstract

43 Slide adapted from Michael Scott, Polymorphism Again public static SelSort(Comparable[] list) { Comparable temp; int small; for(int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) { small = i; for(int j = i + 1; j < list.length; j++) { if( list[j].compareTo(list[small]) < 0) small = j; } temp = list[i]; list[i] = list[small]; list[small] = list[i]; } }

44 Interfaces vs. Other Things An interface cannot implement any methods, whereas an abstract class can. A class can implement many interfaces but can have only one superclass. An interface is not part of the class hierarchy. Unrelated classes can implement the same interface.

45 A Drawback to Interfaces Once you have defined an interface, you usually can't change it because there will be a lot of code already written that depends on it. This is because an object has to implement all of the methods in an interface, so you can't add more after the fact without breaking everything that came before.

46 More Interfaces Info A short introduction to java interfaces The java tutorial on interfaces