Metric Converter What layout do we use? What is the class hierarchy? What listeners do we use? The code for this application is on our class web-site
On-line Ordering Applet What layout do we use? What is the class hierarchy? What listeners do we use? The code for this application is on our class web-site
Simple Text Editor What layout do we use? What is the class hierarchy? What listeners do we use? The code for this application is on our class web-site Allows simple text editing
Trees Graph: Collection of nodes and edges –Nodes are the objects that hold data –Edges are links between nodes Tree: A graph without cycles Root: A distinguished node at the top of the tree Purpose –Trees and graphs are probably the most used data structures in Computer Science –They are useful to represent Directory structures Discussion forums Simulation of weather, climate change, global positioning Relational databases
Lab Project The main frame has a border layout The North section has a JTabbedPane The Center section has a JScrollPane showing a JTree The South section has a label that displays user help messages Create a GUI that displays and modify a tree
Sample JTree Methods JTree related classes –JTree (Java tree class) –DefaultTreeModel (Object that controls how tree displays) –DefaultMutableTreeNode (nodes to hold data in the tree) Instantiate –A Node for the tree: root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(“name”); –Tree Model: treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root); –A JTree: tree = Jtree(treeModel); Add a node to the root, make it display, and highlight the new node –root.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("child node"); –tree.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(child.getPath())); –treeModel.nodeStructureChanged(parent); –tree.setSelectionPath( (newTreePath(node.getPath()))); Display tree: for (int r=0; r<tree.getRowCount()-1; r++) tree.expandRow(r); Collapse tree: for (int r=tree.getRowCount()-1;r>=0;r--) tree.collapseRow(r); More information is in the lab instructions
Additional JTree methods 1.Path TreePath(node.getPath()); gets a path of nodes from root to node. 2.Tree.scrollPathToVisible(path); makes a path visible on the display. 3.treeModel.nodeStructureChanged(node); forces a node to be displayed. 4.treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(node); removes a node from the tree. 5.Node.getParent() gets the parent node. 6.(DefaultMutableTreeNode)tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent() can be used to get the node which is selected 7.Tree.setSelectionPath(new TreePath(node.getPath()) sets the selected node. 8.Node.setUserObject(“new name”) changes the node’s text. 9.treeModel.nodeChanged(node); to force a modified node to display 10.Tree.expandPath(path) and Tree.collapse(path)
Sample JTree Code Instantiate and Attach a listener DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(“Root”); DefaultTreeModel treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(root); JTree tree = new JTree(treeModel); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); Initially fill tree with nodes int childName = 0; For (int childX=1; childX<=4; childX++) { child = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (“Node “ + childName++); root.add(child); for (int grandX=1; grandX<=4; grandX++) { grandChild = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (“Node “+childName++); child.add(grandChild); }
A Tabbed Panel Instantiate a TabbedPane –JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane(); Add a panel to the tabbed pane –JPanel treeChanges = new TreeChangePanel(); –tabs.addTab(“Modify”, treeChanges); Set which pane shows initially –tabs.setSelectedIndex(0);
Containers Class Signature line –Public class TreeChangePanel implements ActionListener Access to the JTree and other instance variables –Alternative1: Pass references to the constructor –Alternative 2: Nest Panel classes within the main class Set Layout in the TreeChanges class –setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout,X_AXIS) ); Create and add the buttons –JButton addButton = new JButton("Add"); –add(addButton); Attach the listener –addActionListener(this);
The ActionListener Signature line –public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) Determine which button was clicked –Alternative 1: if (ae.getSource()==addButton) –Alternative 2: JButton button = (JButton)ae.getSource(); if (button.getText()=="Add") Event specific logic (for the 'add' option) –Set error label if a tree node is not selected –Create a new node –Add the new node to the node that is selected –Set the path to the new node visible –Indicate that the tree structure changed –Select the node just added
TreeSelectionListener This listener responds to changes in the JTree structure The valueChanged method handles the event It's purpose is to set the label field to the node that the user selects The initial version in the lab instructions can trigger a NullPointeException if there is no node selected –How do we get around this? –If there is no last selected path component, don't try to call the toString() method.