LECTURER: DR MASRI AYOB Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 TK2633: MICROPROCESSOR & INTERFACING Structured Assembly Language Programming
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Structured Assembly Language Programming What is structured assembly language programming ? It is a programming methodology that aids in the development of complicated software with a minimum amount of error.
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Flow Chart Flow chart is a flow design structured programme to solve the problems. Flow chart also helps to correct and modify developed software. There are symbols to use in designing flow chart to ease programmer. These symbols consists of following process: Process, predefined process, input/output, decision, connector and terminal. Table shows examples of symbols to use in flow chart programme.
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633
Process Symbol: Shows any type of process in a programme. Predefined process: Usually contains the name of the subroutine or module. Input / output symbol: Whenever data are input to the programme or output from the programme. The input / output symbol usually shows the type of data and the directioin of data flow. Decision symbol: Computer systems’s most capability is ability to make decisions. The symbol asks question to determine the direction of programme sequence. Structured Assembly Language Programming
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Connector: Eliminates crisscrossed connecting lines in complicated flowcharts. Ease in understanding the developed programme. Terminal Symbol: Programmes all start somewhere and require a symbol to show where they start. Structured Assembly Language Programming
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Flow chart example: mean calculation of a set of numbers Flow chart
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 If-Then-Else
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 The solution. If-Then-Else
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Allows process to be executed or repeated until an event occurs. Whenever this construct appears, the process first executes a task and then a test checks for a true or a false condition. The following figures shows the repeat-until-true and repeat- until-false. Repeat-Until
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Reads the keyboard until a CR (carriage return) is detected. Repeat-Until: Example
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Do-While Is comparable to the repeat-until except for one basic difference. The do-while construct checks the condition and then, if required, performs the process and repeats the check. There are two forms: do-while-false and do-while-true.
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Do-While
Dr. Masri Ayob: TK2633 Thank you Q&A