1 Laboratory and Tutorial matters Mr. H.S. Chiu Head Demonstrator
2 Materials
3 Materials
Lectures Tutorials LabPre-Lab Tutorials per weekExperiments in the first semester CE35 ECE45 EE45 IE45 Teaching week Overview
5 MonTueWedThuFriSat 8:30-9:25 am 9:30-10:25 am 10:40-11:35 am 11:40-12:35 am 12:40-1:35 pm 2:00-2:55 pm 3:00-3:55 pm 4:00-4:55 pm 5:00-5:55 pm Tutorials start on 10th, Sept., 07. Tutorials start on 10th, Sept., 07. Pre-Lab starts on 10th, Sept., 07. Pre-Lab starts on 10th, Sept., 07. Timetable ELEC1401 ELEC1501 ELEC1611 ELEC1801 TTTTT TTT Lab ECE EE Lab CE IE Lab All
6 Discuss the assignments Discuss the assignments Ask any questions about the course Ask any questions about the course Tutorials
7 Laboratory Follow the lab. sheets to do the experiment Capture the outputs for analysis Organize your analysis in a lab. report (2 weeks)
8 Demonstrators Lab. performance 40% Lab. report 60% Give you the guidelines in doing the experiment Help you solve any practical problems Give you scores for the experiment
9 Advice Do preparation in advance, and attend lab. session punctually. Do preparation in advance, and attend lab. session punctually. Do the lab. report Do the lab. report Do not copy other students’ lab. reports. Individually.
10 Thank you!