USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry GIS Webinar Series: Protected Lands Medley GIS Webinar Series: Protected Lands Medley Presented by Rebecca Lilja U.S. Forest Service Northeastern Area S&PF July 13, 2011 Presented by Rebecca Lilja U.S. Forest Service Northeastern Area S&PF July 13, 2011
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Webinar topics… Protected Lands Data….a one minute history!Protected Lands Data….a one minute history! PAD-US…a tale of 2 datasetsPAD-US…a tale of 2 datasets National Conservation Easement DatabaseNational Conservation Easement Database Forest Legacy Tracts DatabaseForest Legacy Tracts Database Resources & WebsitesResources & Websites What’s coming soon...What’s coming soon... DemoDemo Informal Discussion (Chat)Informal Discussion (Chat)
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Protected Lands Protected Areas are lands dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, and managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means. (adapted from IUCN definition)
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Henderson Lake, NY
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Protected Lands Data….oh how far we’ve come! 1996 – USGS GAP stewardship mapping by state1996 – USGS GAP stewardship mapping by state 1999 – First CBI Protected Areas Database (PAD)1999 – First CBI Protected Areas Database (PAD) 2002/2003 – Ducks Unlimited CARL (Conservation And Recreation Lands) for the Great Lakes states2002/2003 – Ducks Unlimited CARL (Conservation And Recreation Lands) for the Great Lakes states 2005 – USGS GAP Multi-state stewardship data2005 – USGS GAP Multi-state stewardship data TNC Secured Lands (Eastern US) TNC Secured Lands (Eastern US) National GAP stewardship data with IUCN categories National GAP stewardship data with IUCN categories 2009 – PAD Partnership (CBI, USGS, TNC, BLM, USFS, Land Trust Alliance)2009 – PAD Partnership (CBI, USGS, TNC, BLM, USFS, Land Trust Alliance) 2010 – PADUS version 1.1 (CBI and USGS Versions)2010 – PADUS version 1.1 (CBI and USGS Versions) PADUS version 1.2 (USGS Version) PADUS version 1.2 (USGS Version)
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Why are there two PADUS Datasets? Parallel efforts that meet separate organizational objectivesParallel efforts that meet separate organizational objectives While the boundaries may be the same, Conservation measures (e.g. GAP Status Codes and IUCN Categories) may differentWhile the boundaries may be the same, Conservation measures (e.g. GAP Status Codes and IUCN Categories) may different USGS Version relies heavily on State Data StewardsUSGS Version relies heavily on State Data Stewards CBI Version uses multiple data sourcesCBI Version uses multiple data sources CBI made edits the source data (with permission) to resolve overlaps, topology errors, and inconsistenciesCBI made edits the source data (with permission) to resolve overlaps, topology errors, and inconsistencies CBI maintains secondary and tertiary designationsCBI maintains secondary and tertiary designations
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry PADUS-CBI Version PADUS CBI Version 1.1 released May 2010PADUS CBI Version 1.1 released May ,683,999 acres mapped970,683,999 acres mapped “Flat file” – overlaps and gaps are corrected with permission from the source“Flat file” – overlaps and gaps are corrected with permission from the source Includes a Private Land Matrix - a feature of all unprotected landIncludes a Private Land Matrix - a feature of all unprotected land Secondary and tertiary designations (e.g., a Wilderness Area within a National Forest)Secondary and tertiary designations (e.g., a Wilderness Area within a National Forest)
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Current list of CBI reviewers/contributors (in NA) Sarah Bogen, GIS Analyst, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – Forestry DivisionSarah Bogen, GIS Analyst, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources – Forestry Division Tara Kieninger, Program Manager, Division of Natural Heritage, Illinois Department of Natural ResourcesTara Kieninger, Program Manager, Division of Natural Heritage, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Chris Phaneuf, GIS Analyst, New Hampshire GRANIT Statewide GIS ClearinghouseChris Phaneuf, GIS Analyst, New Hampshire GRANIT Statewide GIS Clearinghouse Janel Pike, GIS Development Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources -Forestry DivisionJanel Pike, GIS Development Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources -Forestry Division If you feel you have important additions to make to the next version, please contact Kai Henifin
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry
PADUS -USGS Version PADUS USGS Version 1.2 released March 2011PADUS USGS Version 1.2 released March ,215,403 acres mapped999,215,403 acres mapped Includes coastal monumentsIncludes coastal monuments New sources Federal lands including DOD, NOAA, NPS, and BLM NLCS.New sources Federal lands including DOD, NOAA, NPS, and BLM NLCS. PAD-US version 1.3 is scheduled for release this fall. It will contain additional federal land updates (e.g. FWS, USFS) as well as 10 State Data updates and NCED.PAD-US version 1.3 is scheduled for release this fall. It will contain additional federal land updates (e.g. FWS, USFS) as well as 10 State Data updates and NCED.
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry
PADUS GAPS (from the PADUS Partnership) FundingFunding CompletenessCompleteness AccuracyAccuracy Standards and ProcessStandards and Process Conservation Status CodingConservation Status Coding Main AttributesMain Attributes
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Still with me?
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry National Conservation Easement Database FIRST national database of conservation easementsFIRST national database of conservation easements August 2011 ReleaseAugust 2011 Release Provides various level of security from completely public (and included in PADUS) to sensitive, which are not mapped, downloadable, or shared.Provides various level of security from completely public (and included in PADUS) to sensitive, which are not mapped, downloadable, or shared.
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry National Conservation Easement Database
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry
National Conservation Easement Database
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Forest Legacy Tracts Database Database of all lands associated with the Forest Legacy program, including fee acquisitions, easements, cost share, and donationsDatabase of all lands associated with the Forest Legacy program, including fee acquisitions, easements, cost share, and donations Ties directly into FLISTies directly into FLIS FLIS 2.0 will include an online map viewer and direct downloadFLIS 2.0 will include an online map viewer and direct download To get it now, contact me!To get it now, contact me!
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Forest Legacy Tracts Database
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry What’s on the horizon with protected lands…. New PADUS CBI Version by end of 2011New PADUS CBI Version by end of 2011 PAD-US USGS version 1.3 is scheduled for release this fall. It will contain additional federal land updates (e.g. FWS, USFS) as well as 10 State Data Steward and NCED.PAD-US USGS version 1.3 is scheduled for release this fall. It will contain additional federal land updates (e.g. FWS, USFS) as well as 10 State Data Steward and NCED. Release of NCED in August 2011Release of NCED in August 2011 FLIS 2.0 with GIS download in Spring 2012FLIS 2.0 with GIS download in Spring 2012 Latest conservation datasets posted to the Protected Areas CenterLatest conservation datasets posted to the Protected Areas Center
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Resources and Websites START HERE! - protectedlands.netSTART HERE! - MORE HERE - HERE - SHARE, REVIEW and databasin.orgSHARE, REVIEW and GET Forest Legacy Data - Forest Legacy Data -
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Next Month’s Webinar…. Wood Utilization Dataset with Ann Steketee and Ed Cesa August 10, am ET Same time, same channel!
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry Data Basin – Protected Lands Center DEMODEMO
USDA Forest ServiceNortheastern Area State and Private Forestry DiscussionDiscussion Does PADUS meet your needs?Does PADUS meet your needs? Which version to you turn to most? Why?Which version to you turn to most? Why? Do you know who your PAD data coordinator/ contributor is?Do you know who your PAD data coordinator/ contributor is? Missing Protected Lands Datasets?Missing Protected Lands Datasets?