Sustainability through the re-contextualization of humanity: Embedding our socio-economic system into natural ecosystems requires an understanding of the principles of spatial scale and topology Or We are looking for nature but she is already us
What is De-contextualization and Disembedding? The diminished knowledge of, and attention to, ecosystem services The diminished knowledge of, and attention to, ecosystem services Failure of society to receive or recognize ‘signals’ generated by nature and enact appropriate return ‘signals’ (policy, regulation) Failure of society to receive or recognize ‘signals’ generated by nature and enact appropriate return ‘signals’ (policy, regulation) A consequence of the ability of money to make everything substitutable, which has allowed us to forego relationships with our surroundings (both social and natural) A consequence of the ability of money to make everything substitutable, which has allowed us to forego relationships with our surroundings (both social and natural)
Consequences of Disembedding –Human disturbances to environment are not acknowledged until the negative effects have already manifested themselves –As a result, we enact, reactionary solutions to problems rather than trying to understand the underlying causes of the problem
What to do? Reconnect in order to receive signals (reflective) from our environment and to send the appropriate signals back (action/policy) Reconnect in order to receive signals (reflective) from our environment and to send the appropriate signals back (action/policy) –This will allow for sustainable ecosystems and their services An understanding of spatial scales and topology is needed for this reconnection to occur An understanding of spatial scales and topology is needed for this reconnection to occur
Sustainable Ecosystems An ecosystem is considered resilient if it can return to equilibrium after disturbances An ecosystem is considered resilient if it can return to equilibrium after disturbances A weakening of resilience means that the system will likely move to a lower equilibrium that is closer to thermodynamic equilibrium A weakening of resilience means that the system will likely move to a lower equilibrium that is closer to thermodynamic equilibrium This results in a loss of ecosystem structure and consequently, a loss in the productivity of its services This results in a loss of ecosystem structure and consequently, a loss in the productivity of its services Therefore, maintaining a sustainable ecosystem means maintaining its resilience Therefore, maintaining a sustainable ecosystem means maintaining its resilience
What is Scale? Spatial scale typically refers to the extent and resolution at which something is being measured Spatial scale typically refers to the extent and resolution at which something is being measured ‘Operational scales’ (levels) refers to locations (or ranges of locations) on a scale at which patterns (organization/structure) occur ‘Operational scales’ (levels) refers to locations (or ranges of locations) on a scale at which patterns (organization/structure) occur For an ecosystem, these scales of organization are where equilibrium is maintained (or rapidly returns to) in the face of disturbances For an ecosystem, these scales of organization are where equilibrium is maintained (or rapidly returns to) in the face of disturbances
Why Understand Scales? It is important to understand operational scales because, “conclusions about processes derived at one scale should not expected to be valid at other scales” It is important to understand operational scales because, “conclusions about processes derived at one scale should not expected to be valid at other scales” –Although the processes affecting structure might be the same at different scales, there relative importance will change –Transpiration rates (water and CO2 exhaled from trees) 1. Leaf level: driven mostly by leaf architecture and that species stomatal conductance (movement of gases thru leaf pores) 1. Leaf level: driven mostly by leaf architecture and that species stomatal conductance (movement of gases thru leaf pores) 2. Forest level: driven by forest microclimate (temperature, humidity, canopy level turbulence) 2. Forest level: driven by forest microclimate (temperature, humidity, canopy level turbulence)
Human Disturbance and Scale The ‘entropy law’: The ‘entropy law’: –An increase in the organization of one system (civilization) must come at the expense of organization of another system (in this case, our natural environment) –We mine low-entropy resources from the environment and return high-entropy waste
We are adding artificial disturbances into the ecosystem, we can minimize this disturbance but we cannot avoid it We are adding artificial disturbances into the ecosystem, we can minimize this disturbance but we cannot avoid it Yet ecosystems undergo disturbances all the time. In fact, they are necessary to maintaining the equilibrium in ecosystems that have become adapted to their related disturbances Yet ecosystems undergo disturbances all the time. In fact, they are necessary to maintaining the equilibrium in ecosystems that have become adapted to their related disturbances Biomimicry is the concept where human constructs are based on designs from nature Biomimicry is the concept where human constructs are based on designs from nature In order to maintain a sustainable (resilient) ecosystem we need to refashion our disturbance to mimic those found in nature In order to maintain a sustainable (resilient) ecosystem we need to refashion our disturbance to mimic those found in nature –A part of this requires that the scale of human disturbances match the scale of natural disturbances
Human Valuation and Scale Signals generated by nature are often larger (temporally and spatially) than the individual’s perception of their surroundings Signals generated by nature are often larger (temporally and spatially) than the individual’s perception of their surroundings –valuation based on the aggregation of individual preferences are likely to be irrelevant to correcting the problems in nature Therefore, policy-making (and the process of valuation) should be conducted at the same scale (or scales) as the scale of the disturbances Therefore, policy-making (and the process of valuation) should be conducted at the same scale (or scales) as the scale of the disturbances
Measuring Scales:The Ripley’s Statistic
Topology A fancy name for: the spatial relationships that objects (patches) have with each other in a landscape setting (context) A fancy name for: the spatial relationships that objects (patches) have with each other in a landscape setting (context) Scales must be examined within a landscape context Scales must be examined within a landscape context FeatureDescription Size DistributionFrequency distribution of sizes of patches of a given type Boundary FormBoundary thickness, continuity Perimeter:Area RatioReflects patch shape ContextImmediate mosaic matrix in which a patch of a given type occurs ConnectivityDegree to which patches of a given type are joined by corridors RichnessNumber of different patch types in a mosaic DispersionDistribution of patch types over an area PredictabilitySpatial autocorrelation
Ecological Topology Area: A certain, threshold area is needed to maintain a given level of biodiversity Area: A certain, threshold area is needed to maintain a given level of biodiversity –If not, a disturbance will lower the amount of biodiversity (‘Relaxation towards equilibrium’) Connectivity: A service functions within the context of a larger ecosystem, removing these connections results in the loss of functionality Connectivity: A service functions within the context of a larger ecosystem, removing these connections results in the loss of functionality Richness: Number (Diversity) of patch types in a given area Richness: Number (Diversity) of patch types in a given area –A richer area makes for a more resilient system (e.g. rapid recolonization of forest after a fire from neighboring patches
Human Topology People further away from a service are likely to value it less than those close by People further away from a service are likely to value it less than those close by People closer to a service will be more affected by a human disturbance (e.g. pollution) acting on the service than those further away People closer to a service will be more affected by a human disturbance (e.g. pollution) acting on the service than those further away
Wetlands Topology as an Example The size, connectivity and richness of wetlands will affect the ability of that ecosystem to provide its ecosystem services such as water purification and flood prevention The size, connectivity and richness of wetlands will affect the ability of that ecosystem to provide its ecosystem services such as water purification and flood prevention The value of those services is dependent on the proximity and density of human populations: As a population increases, more people depend on these finite services and the value increases. However, when the population increases to the point where the services have been impaired (from loss of area, disconnection, overloading of pollutants) the value of those service will decrease dramatically The value of those services is dependent on the proximity and density of human populations: As a population increases, more people depend on these finite services and the value increases. However, when the population increases to the point where the services have been impaired (from loss of area, disconnection, overloading of pollutants) the value of those service will decrease dramatically
Conclusion “Sustainable scale” of the economy must be determined by spatial scales that are constrained by landscape relationships “Sustainable scale” of the economy must be determined by spatial scales that are constrained by landscape relationships Policy and regulation should be encouraged to correspond to the relevant scales and topology at which services occur or are affected by disturbances Policy and regulation should be encouraged to correspond to the relevant scales and topology at which services occur or are affected by disturbances