Starting Your Research Art 311 Library Instruction Fall
What is the assignment? Paper, Presentation, Annotated Bibliography? Due date – when is the last date for ILL? Citation Style? APA? MLA? Chicago? Types of publications?
Annotated Bibliography Citation in the correct format A descriptive summary or analytical note concerning the book, article, movie, etc. Important for evaluating whether resource will be useful for paper or not. Include scope, biases, timeliness. See evaluating resources slide.
Example Woodley, Mary. Learning How to Conduct Research in Art History. Northridge: CSUN Press, This book provides the step by step process of finding, evaluating, and writing a master’s thesis in art history. Use with Sylvan Barnet book and advisor’s handout.
Types of Resources ART OBJECTS Catalogues Letters Documents Monographs on artists Stylistic Analysis Journal articles Most Internet sources Encyclopaedia entries Art survey books
Basic Search Strategies: Words to Search by Jargon Keyword Controlled vocabulary – Subject words/phrases
Key WordsControlled Vocabulary
Basic Search Strategies: Putting concepts together Boolean operator and Venn diagrams serve as a visual expression of the Boolean operations Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Futurism
Basic Search Strategies: Putting concepts together Boolean operator or Architecture, Byzantine Architecture, Early Christian.
Basic Search Strategies: Putting concepts together Boolean operator not Architecture, Byzantine Medieval architecture Church architecture and not
Truncation Symbol used at the end of a word to retrieve variant endings of that word. Allows you to search the "root" form of a word with all its different endings. Broadens or increases search results. Truncation = OR Example: teen* retrieves teen OR teens OR teenager OR teenagers However: cat* retrieves cat, cats, but also cataclysm, catacomb, catalepsy, catalog, etc. Use OR instead to maintain meaning: cat or cats
Wildcards Some databases allow for wildcards to be embedded within a word to replace a single character. For example: Colo?r retrieves color, colour wom?n retrieves woman, women
Need a book? 1. Search the Library's online catalog. Try searching using the keyword search. 2. Write down the floor location of the book and the call number where the book will be found on the shelf
How Call Numbers Work
Need an article? Popular magazines Trade publications Scholarly publications All three may be available in print or online or both
Popular Magazines and Newpapers Authors are magazine staff members or free lance writers. Authors often mention sources, but rarely formally cite them in bibliographies. Individual issues contain numerous advertisements. There is no peer review process. Articles are meant to inform and entertain. Illustrations may be numerous and colorful. Language is geared to the general adult audience (no specialized knowledge of jargon needed).
Types of Periodicals: Scholarly Journals Articles must go through a peer-review or refereed process. Scholarly/academic articles that are read by academic or scholar "referees" for advice and evaluation of content when submitted for publication. Referees recommend to the editor/editorial board whether the article should be published as is, revised, or rejected. Also sometimes know as "peer-reviewed" articles. Articles are usually reports on scholarly research. Articles use jargon of the discipline.
Types of Periodicals: Scholarly Journals Authors are authorities in their fields. Authors cite their sources in endnotes, footnotes, or bibliographies. Individual issues have little or no advertising. Illustrations usually take the form of charts and graphs.
Internet Resources vs. Surfing the Web Internet Resources include: Internet accessible databases and journals Use a Web interface Usually require subscription Exception: ERIC Wizard Equivalent to print indexes and journals Authoritative and reliable Surfing the Web: Use free search engines E.G.: Yahoo, Google, HotBot Critical evaluation required Anyone can put up a Web page! Evaluating Web pages ( Evaluating Web pages
Evaluating Print & Electronic Resources Types of Web Sites: the url is a Authority Content & Coverage Timeliness Accuracy Objectivity World Wide Web sites come in many sizes and styles. How do you distinguish a site that gives reliable information from one that gives incorrect information? Below are some guidelines to help.guidelines