Intelligex Case Study December 15th, 2000 We want to begin with expressing our pleasure at being here before you today and having the chance to share an extremely exciting opportunity with you Before beginning, brief background on us Eric - Florida, UM BBA, Trader, JPM, Wharton, Entre Matthew - Conn, Upenn FR, Trader, Monitor, Wharton, Entre This presentation is the property of Intelligex, Inc. and may not be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise used without the express written consent of the Company.
Introduction Development Process Technology Choices Wrap Up AGENDA Let’s begin with an executive summary, then move through the balance of the presentaiton focusing on areas that interest you most, and finally present to you’re the product demo
Intelligex is an expert match maker for custom market research, that: INTELLIGEX SERVICES Intelligex is an expert match maker for custom market research, that: Evaluates research suppliers Matches buyers and suppliers Facilitates online transactions Provides expert consulting
SOLUTION Register 1 Create RFP 2 Select Suppliers 3 Suppliers Respond 4 Review Proposals 5 Choose A Winner 6
Benefits for Suppliers CUSTOMER BENEFITS Benefits for Buyers 2 Speed Supply chain automation substantially reduces procurement time 3 Quality Find the supplier that excels in your area of need 1 Cost Product cost savings from competitive bidding plus opportunity cost savings Benefits for Suppliers 1 Reach Tap broad and deep new customer pool which would otherwise be neglected 2 Cost Direct sales acquisition cost savings plus lead time opportunity cost savings 3 Convenience Spend less time teaching and more time executing, and benefit from repeat usage
Introduction Development Process Technology Choices Wrap Up AGENDA Let’s begin with an executive summary, then move through the balance of the presentaiton focusing on areas that interest you most, and finally present to you’re the product demo
Development Objectives Build a transactional system for a “Beta” audience Create RFPs Send to select suppliers Create Proposals Negotiate Secure environment Lay the ground work for future releases to build upon Spend as little money as possible Complete it in 6 months
Development Timeline QA Beta Launch First Transaction in early October March April May June July August September Site Map Created Initial Architecture Chosen Database Design HTML Prototype of RFP Questions Complete Creative Work RFP Functional Proposal Prototype Proposal Functional Manual Matching Function Added Negotiation Prototype CTO Leaves Changed Database and OS Negotiation functional Customer Demos Additional Features “Advisor” Tools Choose Host Finalize Feature Set Implement Security QA Beta Launch First Transaction in early October Corporations source approximately 50% of their intelligence needs from outside vendors Intelligex will first help facilitate this procurement process - of both primary (custom) and secondary (existing) intelligence - by providing the platform to locate, interact, transact and deliver second help companies track and more effectively share intelligence across the organization (knowledge management)
Gathering Customer Input We asked our customers for feedback throughout the development process Prototype in HTML 1 Meet customers in person and ask them to complete task with prototype 2 Developers observe customer and ask for feedback on tool / process 3 Development team meets to revise priorities and add to “To Do” list 4
Introduction Development Process Technology Choices Wrap Up AGENDA Let’s begin with an executive summary, then move through the balance of the presentaiton focusing on areas that interest you most, and finally present to you’re the product demo
Trade-Off: Build in-house vs. Outsource We chose to build in-house The technology required to deliver value to our market does not require cutting-edge computer science skills. Building in-house allows us to be more responsive to customer needs. The market for I-Builders was extremely tight, so building in-house saved us both time and money Note: we did outsource the Creative work to a small design shop
Trade-Off: Operating System We switched from Windows2000 to RedHat Linux Leading operating system for hosting Web sites (Netcraft estimates that 30% of active Web sites run on Linux Higher reliability than Windows NT or Windows2000 Abundant support and third party applications available Allows for easier migration to more robust Unix like Solaris
Trade-Off: Scripting Language We chose ColdFusion The leading cross-platform Web application server Open integration with databases, email, directories, Java, CORBA, COM, EJB, and XML allows for a very high degree of extensibility Integrated server clustering allows for a high degree of scalability Strong Database Abstraction Layer allows for greater portability Low cost Very easy to learn
Trade-Off: Database Server We switched from Oracle to PostgreSQL Leading full featured Open Source RDBMS Benchmarking tests show performance edge over Oracle and MS SQL server at low to medium levels of traffic (e.g. 100 concurrent users) High level of support from developer community Use of ANSI SQL allows for portability to other database systems Easy to administer
Trade-Off: Web Server We chose Apache The dominant Web server with over 60% market share. This means it receives unparalleled support Highly reliable Portable to all other platforms Integrates well with virtually every Web technology
Trade-Off: Hosting We chose Rackspace Managed Hosting Rackspace manages more dedicated Linux servers than any other company in the world. High level of physical security, conditioned UPS, and advanced fire-suppression system Connected to 5 different backbone providers with SLAs to ensure high availability Full root access
Introduction Development Process Technology Choices Wrap Up AGENDA Let’s begin with an executive summary, then move through the balance of the presentaiton focusing on areas that interest you most, and finally present to you’re the product demo
Take Aways Involve Customers Anticipate Change Consider Open Source Solutions Don’t Panic
Definition of Custom Market Research Common Research Studies INTRODUCTION Custom market research consists of information gathered through direct conversations with customers to help specific organizations make critical decisions. Definition of Custom Market Research Common Research Studies Business, Economic & Corporate Competitor Benchmarking Pricing Product Distribution Promotion Buying Behavior Research Approaches Survey Research Observational Research Focus Group Research Experimental Research
SLIDE TITLE TEXT Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Intelligex is in the process of building, through a partnership with CSC, a robust, enterprise procurement solution for market intelligence. The Intelligex solution will: Fix a broken market Build a new market And transform the way companies gain and sustain advantage, especially in the information economy, through superior market intelligence procurement We are the Tradex of market intelligence We are talking about a potential 60 billion dollar market but the impact is much greate every failed product costs about $50 million and only 2.5% of all product concepts make it to the light of day Companies have a need to get it right and get it quickly, Intelligex will greatly enhance their ability to do just that