1 Gasoline engine control system final presentation Winter 2007 Presented By: Sameh Damuni Sameh Damuni Firas Khair Firas Khair Instructor: Moni Orbach Moni Orbach 27/6/2007
2 Project Goal Implementation of new generation gasoline engine control system. Implementation of new generation gasoline engine control system. The system will be able to control engine in real time. The system will be able to control engine in real time. The system will work based on information that it gets from varied sensors. The system will work based on information that it gets from varied sensors.
3 Block diagram for the system
4 Engine transmission functions 0< Pedal <100 (%) 0< Pedal <100 (%) Throttle position= 0.65*(pedal) Throttle position= 0.65*(pedal) Coolant temperature = 1.35*(pedal) Coolant temperature = 1.35*(pedal) Mass airflow = *(pedal)+0.5 Mass airflow = *(pedal)+0.5 Manifold pressure = 20+(113/65)*(pedal) Manifold pressure = 20+(113/65)*(pedal) RPM = 44.24*(Manifold pressure) RPM = 44.24*(Manifold pressure)115.2+
5 Sensors transmission functions
7 Implementation of transmission functions on Labview
8 Front panel for the implementation of transmission functions on Labview
9 Done till now: Collecting and studying data about all the engine sensors. Collecting and studying data about all the engine sensors. Setting a basic time graph for the injectors and plugs signals, and building a diagram showing how the pistons work. Setting a basic time graph for the injectors and plugs signals, and building a diagram showing how the pistons work. ■ Setting the engine sensors lookup tables.
10 2- Setting transmission functions for engine behavior depending on the pedal position. 2- Setting transmission functions for engine behavior depending on the pedal position. 3- Inserting and simulating the functions with LABVIEW. Engine simulating: Engine simulating: 1- Setting engine sensors transmission functions. 1- Setting engine sensors transmission functions.
11 Scheduling Till 22/07/07 : Building the architecture of the ECU system. Till 22/08/07 : Implementation of each part of the system : Band width calculator, sensors lookup tables and the basic block of the ECU. Band width calculator, sensors lookup tables and the basic block of the ECU. Till 16/9/07 : Integration of the ECU and the engine simulator that we build in the first semester. simulator that we build in the first semester. Till 30/9/07 : Summary and conclusions. Studying the FPGA LabView module and implementing the system with it (optional). Studying the FPGA LabView module and implementing the system with it (optional).
12 Thank You!!