Subversion Takes Back the Night How Version Control makes web development better.


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Presentation transcript:

Subversion Takes Back the Night How Version Control makes web development better

WHY? Track your changes to show them you really are working Rollback mistakes without rolling on your rifle in despair Experiment safely without borking the “real” code base Collaborate sanely with both “Lone Wolves” and “Dream Teams”

Key Concepts Revision: Group of files at same stage Repository Everyone’s stuff combined Working Copy Your own stuff Repository Your Working Copy Her Working Copy

Your Subversion Toolbox A Client Windows: TortoiseSVN OSX: SCPlugin Linux: the CLI, of course Lots of plug-ins for Editors / IDEs A Server Subversion on a local file system Apache: mod_dav_svn

Making a Repository Make an empty directory Create a repository there Add 3 directories: trunk branches tags (Subversion basically requires this) Create your directory for a working copy

Use Case: Lone Wolf Keeps Personal Repository on local File system Has a Hard Time Sharing Deploys Files to Web Server with: Capistrano Phing Ant Or simply “svn export” because he’s a lone wolf who doesn’t believe in the sanctity of build scripts

“Lone Wolf” Workflow 1. Add Files to Repository 2. Hack…hack… 3. Commit to Repository Client: “What have you done for me today, Wolf?” Here you go: “svn log –r { }:HEAD”

Use Case: Dream Team Central Repository on Web Server Lots of loving, group-based development …each with his/her own working copy = FUN!

Dream Team Workflow Teammate: “I’ll do this part, you do that part and then we’ll merge!” You: “You bet, buddy!” Hack…hack… svn commit svn update svn status “Oh No! A merge conflict” Diff it Edit it ‘svn resolved index.php’ Re-commit

Wrap it up Questions