Is IVF the only Solution to Age Related Infertility Problem? By Suzis Zeus com
Age related infertility can be reversed Getting pregnant is the most wonderful feel and having a baby is the showcase of the love. To give birth to the bundle of joy, fertility is the most important factor. As the age increases for both men and women, the fertility rate decreases. But, it does not mean they will become sterile. There have been situations where a 90 year old man was able to become a father by natural means and even middle aged woman giving birth. The older people’s giving birth to healthy babies is made possible due to the medical advancements and balanced diet. 2 com
IVF is the most practiced solution to the age related infertility in women Despite of such medical advancements the female age is very crucial when it comes to fertility. The rates of infertility in women due to the age are very well proved and also very visible in the society. Egg quality and quantity are the important points that decide the fertility rate. As, women age they face issues like decline in the quality of the egg. To overcome the age related infertility in women most of them opt for the treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). 3 com
IVF for age related infertility problem treatment This age related infertility problem treatment IVF procedure is carried out in 5 steps. First the woman’s ovaries are stimulated, that means she is given medications in order to produce more than one egg per month which is more than her usual. This procedure is also known as super-ovulation. At this stage, regular blood tests and trans vaginal ultrasounds are done to keep a check on the hormone level. Next, the eggs are retrieved using ultrasound images or pelvic laparoscopy. Then, the sperm is blended with the egg retrieved in an appropriate environment; this step is called as the insemination. The fertilization usually takes place in a couple of hours, if the doctors sense it cannot happen, they do an intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection which is injecting the sperm directly in the egg. After this, the egg becomes an embryo and then starts dividing. Finally, it is transferred into the woman’s uterus. More embryos are inserted in the uterus to increase the change of pregnancy. This age related infertility problem treatment can be done in a maximum age of 43 to com
Symptoms of Age related infertility in men Age related infertility in men is comparatively lesser than women. Count, concentration, motility of the sperm, reduction in the volume, and erectile dysfunction are some of the common problems faced by men as they age. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has proposed that the maximum age limit for donating sperms should be 40, due to the reduction of sperm quality. Evidently, this age limit is not proved scientifically proved. According to another research taken place, age related infertility in men is not due to the sperm quality since it is not determined by age, and they produce them for their lifetime. In the year 2006, the DNA fragmentation affects the sperm motility make it lower as the age progresses. This might only result in passing of changes in the genes to their descendants. Other age related infertility problem for men occurs due to physical symptoms like muscle loss, hair loss, bone loss, memory problems, weight gain, increased urination, and low stamina. 5 com
Life style modification is answer to age related infertility Overall, having a balanced diet, staying healthy, being active and reducing stress would provide more chances to conceive for both men and women. having a balanced diet Is IVF the only solution to Age Related Infertility Problem? If you are 35+ and already tried laparoscopy and HSG and not ready for IVF and trying for natural remedies but couldn’t find them? If you have had failed IUI’s and been diagnosed with a VERY low anti-mullerian hormone (poor egg quality and quantity), it is just natural losing hope of conceiving. If you are women at 40s and out of eggs with five % of conceiving and only 1% chance of carrying a baby to the full term, and perhaps you have already lost hope of enjoying your motherhood. These are the signs that tell you your Life sucks! And happiness eludes you! 6 com
“Pregnancy Miracle” by Lisa Olson However, this is not true for thousands of women who followed treatment of Lisa Olson. Lisa Olson is Chinese Medicine Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Infertility Sufferer teach about How To: Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months Give Birth to Healthy Babies Reverse Both Female and Male Infertility Issues Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically! Lisa Olson’s years of research and practical experience now encapsulated in an e- book titled “Pregnancy Miracle.” Pregnancy Miracle e-book is a MUST READ for anyone trying to get pregnant.Pregnancy Miracle e-book 7 com
“Pregnancy Miracle” by Lisa Olson Lisa Olson herself suffered from ‘infertility’. She gave birth to her first daughter at 44 after years and years of research not only was she able to cure her ‘Infertility’, but she also discovered a secret which she has shared with thousands of women (And Now Proud Mothers) in 127 countries to date. This is how ‘Pregnancy Miracle’ was born. “Pregnancy Miracle” is an excellent, well-organized e-book on how to get pregnant naturally. It combines the best of both Western and Chinese methods.Pregnancy Miracle 8 com
“Pregnancy Miracle” by Lisa Olson Pregnancy MiraclePregnancy Miracle is a must read for any woman who wants to become pregnant. Its unique, holistic approach to conception embraces traditional Western and Eastern medicine, proven alternatives, and lifestyle modifications. It offers women (and couples) solid treatment and advice that can help them increase their chances of conception, often in the quickest, most cost-effective, and the least invasive manner. “We applaud the main message of this book: improving your health improves your chances of fertility. “Pregnancy Miracle” is a must-read for couples wanting to increase their chances of conceiving. Visit Lisa Olson’s official website for immediate downloadVisit Lisa Olson’s official website for immediate download. 9 com
Is IVF the only Solution to Age Related Infertility Problem? And You May Download My Free E-Report On “How To Get Pregnant Naturally“ Share & Enjoy: 10 com