Ch 12 Energy Energy Sources and Uses Coal - Oil - Natural Gas Nuclear Power Conservation Solar Energy –Photovoltaic Cells Fuel Cells Energy From Biomass Energy From Earth’s Forces
Energy Sources and Uses Work - Application of force through a distance. Energy - The capacity to do work. Power - Rate at which work is done or rate of flow of energy. Calorie - Amount of energy necessary to heat 1 gram of water 1 o C. Joule - Amount of work done when a force of 1 newton is exerted over 1 meter (or about 0.238cal). 2
4 Satellite photo of lights at night in different countries
Per Capita Energy Use and GNP 5
Energy Consumption per Capita 6
Energy Consumption in Developed and Developing Countries (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – 30 members)7
How We Use Energy in the US Industry - 37% Residential, commercial buildings - 34% Transportation - 26% About 50% of all the energy in primary fuels is lost – during conversion to more useful forms (2/3 energy of coal lost in combustion), – while being shipped to the site of end use (10% coal energy lost in transmission), or – during use. Natural gas is our most efficient fossil fuel (10% lost during processing & shipping, 75-95% efficient in furnaces). 8
Worldwide commercial energy production 9
U.S. Energy Flow, 1999 Quantities in BTUs. 10
World Fossil Fuel Consumption 11
Renewable Resources Resources that can be replaced within a few human generations. 12
Nonrenewable Resources Resources that cannot be replaced within a few human generations. 13
Renewable vs Nonrenewable Resources Renewable Animals in the wild Soils Forests Natural fisheries Water Food Alternative fuels – Solar power – Biomass – Hydropower Nonrenewable Fossil fuels – Oil – Coal Ore deposits of metals 14
What is a Resource? Source of raw material used by society 15
Resource Management Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) is : harvest rate = renewal rate 16
IF the Harvest rate > Renewable rate Then the resource can become Nonrenewable 17
Renewable vs Nonrenewable Resources Renewable???????? Animals in the wild Soils Forests Natural fisheries Water Food Alternative fuels – Solar power – Biomass – Hydropower Nonrenewable Fossil fuels – Oil – Coal Ore deposits of metals 18