IT 208Chapter 181 Manufacturing with Plastics Chapter 18
IT 208 Chapter 18 2 Competencies Define key terms associated with polymers and plastics and describe the difference between the two. Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosets, and identify the use for each. Identify the correct plastics process used to make uniquely different products Define the two processes of polymerization Differentiate between linear, branched, and cross-linked polymers
IT 208 Chapter 18 3
IT 208 Chapter 18 4 Chemistry of Polymerization The carbon atom must always have four covalent bonds. The four noted carbon compounds are Methane – has one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms Ethane – two carbon atoms with six hydrogen atoms Propane – three carbon atoms with eight hydrogen atoms Butane – four carbon atoms with 10 hydrogen atoms
IT 208 Chapter 18 5 Chemistry of Polymerization Every carbon atom must have four bonds, but it is possible for two or three of the bonds to be between the same two carbon atoms. If two of the hydrogens are removed from the ethane molecule, the bonds that went to the hydrogen will simply form a new double bond between the carbons. (p.340) When double bonds are formed the once “ane” suffix is changed to “ene” triple bond is formed the “yne” suffix is used. So we have the progression of: Ethane to Ethene to Ethyne (Acetylene)
IT 208 Chapter 18 6
IT 208 Chapter 18 7 Chemistry of Polymerization An unsaturated molecule is any compound having double or triple bonds. This unsaturated state enables the compound to be reacted with itself, which is the key to polymerization.
IT 208 Chapter 18 8 Chemistry of Polymerization A molecule will polymerize if it has at least two reaction points maintains at least two reaction points after each joining of the compound. Polymerization is when these bonds are opened, they can react with another ethane molecule and continue reacting to form chains containing thousands of carbon atoms.
IT 208 Chapter 18 9 Chemistry of Polymerization This type of polymerization is called addition, chain- growth or chain reaction polymerization. Condensation polymerization also known as step- growth or step-reaction. One characteristic of this reaction is that reaction by- products such as water are condensed out.
IT 208 Chapter Polymers The reactions form what is know as polymers. Polymers are grouped into 3 categories Thermoplastic polymers (TP) represents 70% of the tonnage of all synthetic polymers produced. Can be easily and economically shaped into products Can be subjected to this heating and cooling cycle repeatedly without significant degradation of the polymer. Common TP polyethylene, polyvinylchloride, polypropylene, polystyrene, and nylon
IT 208 Chapter Thermoplastic (linear) - Soften repeatedly when heated (straight chains) PET Polyethylene Terphalate (Beverage Containers) HDPE High Density Polyethylene (Milk bottles, detergent bottles) PVC Polyvinyl Chloride (Food wrap, vegetable oil bottles) LDPE Low Density Polyethelene (Shrink wrap, plastic bottles) PP Polypropylene (Margerine and yogurt containers) PS Polystyrene (Egg cartons, fast food trays)
IT 208 Chapter Polymers Thermosets polymers (TS) cannot tolerate repeated heating cycles, when initially heated, they soften and flow for molding but the elevated temperatures also produce a chemical reaction that hardens the material into an infusible solid. toaster parts, automotive engine parts, electrical outlet parts, handles on pots and pans, ash trays Elastomers (rubbers) exhibit extreme elastic extensibility when subjected to low mechanical stress.
IT 208 Chapter Polymers Plastics Polymers compounded with various additives. Additives Agents that enter the molecular structure and are designed to change its properties (Antioxidants, flame retardants, lubricants, etc.) Fillers Incorporated to improve mechanical properties, often called reinforcing agents. (Increase bulk, stiffness, etc.)
IT 208 Chapter POLYMER STRUCTURES AND COPOLYMERS There are structural differences among polymer molecules. There are three aspects of molecular structure 1.Stereoregularity 2.Branching and cross-linking 3.Copolymers. We will discuss only #2 and 3
IT 208 Chapter POLYMER STRUCTURES AND COPOLYMERS Stereoregularity Concerned with the spatial arrangement of the atoms and groups of atoms in the repeating units of the polymer molecule Branching and cross-linking (see overhead) Linear polymers Because their structure is linear. Generally, a polymer consists of more than one type of structure. Thus a linear polymer may contain some branched and cross-linked chains. (This is the characteristic of a thermoplastic polymer)
IT 208 Chapter POLYMER STRUCTURES AND COPOLYMERS Branched polymer side branches chains are attached to the main chain during the synthesis of the polymer. Branching interferes with the relative movement of the molecular chain. As a result, resistance to deformation and stress-crack resistance are affected. Branched polymers are like a pile of tree branches compared to straight logs of linear chains
IT 208 Chapter POLYMER STRUCTURES AND COPOLYMERS Cross-linked polymers when primary bonding occurs between branches and other molecules at certain connection points. Lightly cross-linked structures are characteristic of elastomers. When the polymer is highly cross-linked it considered thermoset.
IT 208 Chapter POLYMER STRUCTURES AND COPOLYMERS Copolymers Polymers whose molecules are made of repeating units of two different types. Also possible are terpolymers, which consist of mers of three different types. (ex. ABS or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene)
IT 208 Chapter Crystallinity Amorphous and crystalline structures are possible with polymers, although the tendency to crystallize is much less than for metals and nonglass ceramics. Degree of crystallinity (the proportion of crystallized material in the mass) As crystallinity is increased in a polymer, so does Density Stiffness, strength, and toughness Heat resistance
IT 208 Chapter Crystallinity Crystallization in linear polymers involves the folding back and forth of the long chains upon themselves to achieve a very regular arrangement of the mers A number of factors determine the capacity and/or tendency of a polymer to form crystalline regions within the material. As a general rule, only linear polymers can form crystals Stereoregularity of the molecule is critical Copolymers, due to their molecular irregularity, rarely form crystals Slower cooling promotes crystal formation and growth
IT 208 Chapter Crystallinity
IT 208 Chapter Thermal & Mechanical Properties
IT 208 Chapter Manufacturing With Plastics Classification by process rather than product or material is more relevant, because most processes are suitable for making products from a large variety of plastics Casting - filling a mold by gravity Liquid resins (epoxy) Hot melted plastic poured into a casting (nylon) Slush casting for thin walled products (snow boots, gloves, toys) Wet spinning -fibers formed by spinning the solution through multi-hole dies Rotational molding - variation of slush casting, mold is heated as it is rotated. Works exceptionally well for larger parts (IDOT barrels, chemical containers)
IT 208 Chapter Manufacturing With Plastics Molding - melt processing-polymers are deformed with the aid of applied pressure Results in a finished part Need three things to be a molding operation (Time, temperature, and pressure)
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Extrusion Pellets, granules or powder is placed into a hopper and fed into the extruder barrel. As screw in the barrel that turns it blends and moves the material down the barrel. Material then forced through a die that is in desired shape. It is cooled by water or air and cut to length. Largest production volume of plastics (bar, tube, sheet, film) Rated by the length to diameter ratio of the screw
IT 208 Chapter Extruder barrel and screw
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Process can produce Solid profiles Hollow profiles Wire and cable coating Defects in Extrusion Melt Fracture Sharkskin Bambooing
IT 208 Chapter Defects in Extrusion
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Injection molding Similar to die casting metal. Pellets are fed into heated cylinder where they are melted. The screw rotates much like extrusion molder (it moves back as material in front of it are melted) then it rams forward pushing the melted material into the die. most wide spread technique for making 3-D configurations uses either reciprocating screw or reciprocating plunger (RAM) rated by clamping pressure of die
IT 208 Chapter Injection Molding
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Defects in Injection Molding Short Shots Flashing Sink marks and voids Weld lines Molds in injection molding are usually expensive and complex
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Other molding techniques: Thermoplastic Foam Injection Molding – involves the molding of thermoplastic parts that possess a dense outer skin surrounding a light weight foam center. Multi-Injection Molding: Sandwich – injection of two separate polymers Bi-injection – used to combine plastics of two different colors or to achieve different properties in different sections of the same part.
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) – Two reactant liquids are heated and brought together under high pressure Compression molding – Pre-measured amount of polymer introduced into the heated mold then the top half comes down and applies pressure. Usually uses thermosetting plastics and produces products like dishes, container caps, etc.
IT 208 Chapter Reaction Injection Molding
IT 208 Chapter Compression molding
IT 208 Chapter Transfer Molding
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Blow Molding Extruded tube or preform is expanded by internal pressure (most bottles) Extrusion blow molding continuous tube is extruded, pinched off, placed in a mold and blown into shape Injection blow molding part is injected into a mold then transferred and blown into shape
IT 208 Chapter Molding Process Thermoforming - Heating a thermoplastic sheet and using a vacuum to pull the sheet over perforated mold. Fast food containers, advertising signs, panels for shower stalls Hot air pressure and vacuum forming - drive sheet into female die cavity
IT 208 Chapter 18 40