Helping the Student Succeed in Math Grades 1-3 By: Jena Kuykendall &Nikki Neumayer
Illinois Learning Standards Count and compare numbers and unit fractions using “greater than” and “less than” notations, represent numbers and unit fractions with manipulatives. Solve a multiplication and a division problem through equal grouping of objects and sharing.
Illinois Learning Standards (cont.) Estimate, solve, and check a series of addition and subtraction number and word problems. Estimate length, weight and capacity when compared to standard reference points, and choose appropriate units of measure in various examples.
Accommodations Extended time for assignments/tasks. Alternate the response style to an assignment or test. Quiet environment. Allow adequate space on worksheets to work out problems. Provide students with an alternative to writing their answers. Allowing the use of technology when appropriate. Provide small group opportunities. Circle or highlight computation signs. Number lines on the students’ desks. Teach mnemonic strategies to solve word problems.
Modifications Limit the number of items on tests and assignments. Use different format materials to teach the same content. Word problems without extraneous information. Allow more time for all assignments and tests. Test only on focused materials.
Resources for Teachers Morgan, Sarah Perry. (2002). More Math, Please: Kid-Friendly Computation. Arizona: Zephyr Press. PBS Teacher Source Krech, Bob. (2002). Meeting The Math Standards with Favorite Picture books. New York: Scholastic.
Resources for Teachers Education Place Education World
Tips For Parents Benjamin, Arthur Ph.D; Shermer, Michael Brant Ph.D. (1999). Teach Your Child Math: Making Math Fun For The Both OF You. Chicago: Lowell Publishing. - $15.95 - Introduces number games - Boost child’s math skills including problem-solving skills, and overall confidence with numbers.
Tips For Parents The World of Math +Math Made Easy. by: Sean Mcardle. $14.99 *Provides practice for parents and children to work together on all major math topics. It Includes parental notes and answers.
Research The Differential Effects of Teaching Addition Through Strategy Instruction Vs. Drill And Practice to Students With and Without Learning Disabilities. *Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2003.
Research Effects of Video-Based and Applied Problems on the Procedural Math Skills of Average and Low-Achieving Adolescents. *Journal of Special Education Technology, 2003.
Technology Talking calculators Enlarged/talking/printing calculator Software for manipulation of objects Interactive online math activities KidsPix software Voice output measuring devices Math talking worksheet software Graph making software.
Website Critique Macmillan Hill Cool Math 4 Teachers
Website Critique A to Z Teacher Stuff
Something to leave you with “schools must inquire deeper into their own practices, explore new ways to motivate their learners, make use of learning styles, introduce multiple intelligences, integrate learning, and teach thinking, and in the process discover the passion and moral purpose that makes teaching exciting and effective. Fullan and Hargreaves