International Environmental Regimes Prof. Liliana B. Andonova
Today: Course overview Syllabus and requirements Introductions
Global Environmental Problems Air pollution (acid rain, climate, ozone layer) Biodiversity Deforestation Globalization Poverty & Population Fisheries International Waters
Characteristics Cross boundaries No global government Cooperate to achieve global governance
International Regimes “…implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules, and decision making procedures around which actors’ expectations converge in a given area of international relations.” Stephen Krasner (1983) International Regimes, p.2.
International Regime Components International agreements/law International organizations/bureaucracies International institutions Soft norms, rules, principles Networks
Actors States Advocacy organizations Business Scientific communities Local communities International bureaucracies
ES meets IR Apply IR concepts and theories to environmental cooperation Focus on ‘non-traditional’ actors in IR Role of information Role of networks Changing role of the state?
Syllabus Concepts and methods Inter-governmental regimes Non-state actors and environmental regimes Globalization and environmental regimes Research presentations
Class requirements Read and Speak up Midterms Research paper and website Website presentation