Global ENUM & Convergence Technical & Policy Development Tony Holmes BT Head of Numbering Naming & Addressing Policy & Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

Global ENUM & Convergence Technical & Policy Development Tony Holmes BT Head of Numbering Naming & Addressing Policy & Strategy

ENUM - a very simple idea! Take an E.164 number and create a fully qualified domain name in a single highly defined and structured domain Protocolservice addressl DNS TELTel: HTTP Pagepage:

Technology Development ENUM Technical standards are maturing IETF RFC 2916bis awaiting advance to draft standard Internet Drafts - The E.164 to URI DDDS Application (ENUM) - ENUM Service Registration for H.323 URL - enumservice Registration for SIP Addresses-of-Record - Registration for enumservices of group messages - Registration for enumservices web and ft - ENUM registration for Presence Services Within Europe - ETSI TS : Minimum requirements for inter- operability of ENUM Trials

Administration Aspects ITU-T ENUM Interim Assignment procedures in place RIPE NCC undertaking Tier ‘0’ role Within Europe - ETSI TS : ENUM Administration in Europe 25 CC delegations made (8/3/2004)

ENUM - current state of play Many trials and plans for implementation Recent ETSI ENUM Plugtests event included presentations on activity in; France, Japan, UK, Sweden, Poland, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Korea, Netherlands, USA, Finland, Australia Lots of activity in the Enterprise/Infrastructure space Also developments in the mobile space (3GPP) ……and more

Some observations ENUM is viewed as a potential enabler for future services Generally has regulatory support - but also raises new issues There is no ‘killer application’ for initial launch but a STRONG focus towards VoIP/SIP Approach towards implementation and interface requirements varies Differing views on the potential role of incumbent telco’s and their importance to ENUM

A Challenge for regulators? Approaches to ENUM regulation differ but… “Whilst Regulatory issues are important they are not THE key factor in the rollout of ENUM services” “ENUM will succeed or fail regardless” (Conclusions from ETSI ENUM Plugtests workshop Jan 94)

Developing ENUM Policy Dependent upon national approach Europe and US tend to favour ‘hands off’ approach UK has specifically excluded regulation of Internet names and addresses from its interpretation of of the EU Communications Directive - The UK government cannot/will not be responsible for developing ENUM policy - Industry must undertake this role - Compliance with EU Directives and over-riding national policies remains mandatory

Current proposed approach towards ENUM policy formation in the UK Comment

Proposed make up of the Supervisory Board and the Policy Board UK ENUM SUPERVISORY BOARD UK ENUM POLICY BOARD Tier 1 Registry Tier 2 DNS Providers Tier 2 Registrars Authentication Agencies Application Providers Users Others? Representatives from Independent Organisations DTI (Observers)

Purpose of the Supervisory Board Facilitate an open, competitive environmenture Ensure the required degree of transparency Safeguard the integrity and rights of users To meet the needs of the ENUM Players Underpin commercial requirements through through the use of effective contractual arrangements where deemed necessary Oversee and ensure compliance with all EU and UK regulatory requirements which impact the ENUM environment

Some of the difficult issues The UKEG has a work plan which includes: Transition arrangements to the new UK ENUM Committee - drafting the ToRs - establishing the legal framework for the body - resolve financial considerations for start up and ongoing activities - achieving the required participation - develop and agree process UK Trial activities - should it be extended? - if so what elements should be the focus? - how should the trial arrangements transition to commercial launch?

………..and some more! Tier 1 Registry arrangements - draft ITT for Tier 1 Registry - identify candidates for the adjudication panel - appoint evaluation team - set evaluation criteria - post ITT - evaluate response - announce result - complete contractual arrangements Target date for completion is end October 04!

A few related issues that impact ENUM, VoIP and convergent services

Number ranges! ENUM should it have a separate number range? What number ranges for VoIP? …..some of the issues - geographic or non geographic? - Publicly Available Telephony Service (PATS)? - fixed, mobile or nomadic? - tariffing? - impact of multimedia? The volume of numbers required are unknown!

Many different flavours of VoIP Carrier provided (PSTN replacement) Corporate (internal or outsourced) ISP VoIP (QoS, bandwidth, quality can be controlled) VoIP independent of the ISP (often sold on cost) Self provided (software download)

Regulatory obligations & concerns Should the same level of obligations apply? - Universal Service Obligations - access and interconnection - access to emergency services is an issue - Network resilience and QoS - data protection - lawful intercept - ‘out of country’ provision - need to ensure public awareness ‘that things may be different’

Views differ on VoIP provision Examples: The UK view - its PATS if: - it’s a substitute for traditional public telephone service or - provides the customers sole means of access to the PSTN In the US there are two classifications of services: - Telecommunications - refers to transmission of information without change in form or content Information- capability for generating, acquiring, storing, processing, utilising or making info available via telecomm’s

A snapshot of the future Network and service convergence will happen …... …….with or without ENUM Transition to VoIP and other services will fuel market competition ……………with or without ENUM Regulators will have to adopt a different approach if the market is to realise its full potential…..ENUM could be the catalyst for change ENUM will materialise in the commercial environment …..…………starting in the enterprise/corporate sector

Thank you Tony Holmes