1 HST Pipeline Project Review March 14, 2003
2 Review Objectives Re-familiarize Project (and others) with production data processing done by STScI Familiarize everyone with new processing hardware and how we plan to use it Describe the steps we will be taking to shift development, I&T, and production data processing from the old systems to the new systems
3 Introduction History – Long View History – Last Year Data processing requirements Goals of this project Overall plan
4 What do we mean by “data processing” ? Receipt of science and engineering data Reformatting, quality checking, calibration, etc. needed to prepare data for the archive Archiving the data Retrieving the data Processing and calibration of retrieved data Sending data off to the user User access tools
5 History – Long View Original plan (1981) TRW provides OSS and PODPS as two of three major pieces of SOGS OSS to be used for real-time decision making PODPS to process science data, including calibration, for users STScI provides SDAS (analysis tools) Established FITS format as basic science data format Data provided to users on 1600/9600 bpi tapes No archive
6 History – Long View Pre-launch changes ( ) Astrometry and Engineering Data to come to STScI PODPS to run STSDAS-based calibrations STScI to develop CDBS (calibration data base system) Archive activities started STScI developed DMF, a prototype optical disk based archive, pressed into service ~ L+ 1 year DADS development started at Loral StarView development started at STScI
7 History – Long View Post-Launch changes I ( ) DADS delivered, data transferred from DMF to DADS Starview released OMS developed for engineering data and jitter files OPUS replaced OSS and PODPS Consolidated software systems Important technology upgrade to support future growth Pipeline development for STIS and NICMOS started
8 History – Long View Post-Launch Changes II (1996 – 2001) Data volume doubled with STIS and NICMOS Archive utilization increased substantially UNIX version of OPUS developed for FUSE Archive upgraded Magneto-Optical media replaced Optical Disks NSA project opened DADS architecture to multiple storage media Spinning disks considered, but judged too expensive CDBS re-implemented OTFR deployed Reduced archive volume Provided up-to-date calibrations to users
9 History – Long View
10 History – Long View Additional improvements and consolidations have been in our plans over the last few years DADS evolution Remove VMS dependencies Make future technology migrations easier Improve services based on community usage of HST archive Replace OMS Remove VMS dependency Simplify system ACS data and data processing Increased volume Drizzle algorithms for geometric correction and image co- addition
11 History – Last Year Several parts of the system exhibited unacceptable performance Processing of data from HST to the Archive Response time to user requests for data from Archive Several specific causes NFS mount problems Disk corruption in OPUS Jukebox problems Other specific hardware problems Symptomatic of more general problems with the data processing systems
12 History – Last Year
13 History – Last Year
14 History – Last Year Goal: <5% (1 day/week = 14%)
15 History – Last Year Immediate steps were taken to upgrade available hardware Added 6 CPUs and memory to Tru64 systems Added CPUs and memory to Sun/Solaris systems Added and reconfigured disk space Large ACS data sets moved to an ftp site to avoid load on archive system EROs and GOODs data sets Ftp site off-loaded ~10GBytes/day from archive in last several months (~20% effect)
16 Current status System keeping up with demands Running ~50% capacity on average Loading in various places is very spiky Instability of system, and diversion of resources, has put delivery of data to ECF and CADC substantially behind schedule Expect load to increase in spring as ACS data become non-proprietary
18 Bulk distribution backlog In absolute numbers: ~40,000 POD files Archive Branch does not believe the current AutoBD can keep up with the current data volume, much less catch up. Implement ftp tool to augment transfer. Tool accesses data on MO directly. May be able to bypass DADS by using safestores and development JB or stand-alone reader Distribution re-design CADC/ECF will be included as beta test sites in parallel operations starting ~ April 1, New engine allows operators to prioritize requests New engine supports transfer of compressed data Consolidation of operating systems should improve reliability With all these solutions, preliminary estimate is that backlog could be eliminated in a few months
19 Data Processing Requirements Performance requirements (Astronomy community expectations) Data volume requirements Into system from HST Out of system to Astronomy community Programmatic goals Fit within declining HST budget at STScI Expect archive to live beyond HST operational lifetime Expect archive will be used to support JWST
20 Performance Requirements-I Average time from observation execution to data receipt < 1 day Average time from observation execution to data availability in archive < 2 days 98% of data available in archive in < 3days
21 Goal: <5% (1 day/week = 14%) Performance Requirements-II Archive availability: 95% Median retrieval times Defined as time from request to when data is ready for transmission. Does not include transmission time. Non-OTFR data (not recalibrated): 5 hours OTFR data (recalibrated): 10 hours Median retrieval times Defined as time from request to when data is ready for transmission. Does not include transmission time. Non-OTFR data (not recalibrated): 5 hours OTFR data (recalibrated): 10 hours
22 Performance Requirements-III User support Unlimited number of registered users Support increased level of requests Currently ~2000/month Expect to grow at 20% per year (guess) Reduce unsuccessful requests to <5% Routinely handle highly variable demand Daily request volume varies by more than factor of 10 Insulate pre-archive processing from OTFR load
23 Data Volume Requirements-I Data volume from HST - now Currently receive ~120 GBits/week from HST Currently ingest ~100 GBytes/week into the archive Currently handle ~2000 observations/week Data volume from HST – after SM4 Expect ~200 GBits/week from HST Expect to ingest ~160 GBytes/week into archive Expect to handle ~2000 observations/week
24 Data Volume Requirements-II Data distribution today More than 300 GBytes/week from archive More than 70 GBytes/week from ftp site Data distribution projection Distribution volume determined by world-wide Astronomy community – very unpredictable Large increase expected as Cycle 11 data become non- proprietary Should expect GBytes/week in a few years
25 Programmatic Goals Reduce total cost of data processing activities Simplify hardware and network architecture Reduce Operating Systems from 3 to 1 Terminate use of VMS and Tru64 Eliminate passing of data through various OSs Consolidate many boxes into two highly reliable boxes Flexible allocation of computing resources Support easy re-allocation of CPU and Disk resources among tasks Provide simple growth paths, if needed
26 Current Architecture TRU64 SOLARIS VMS
27 Programmatic Goals Provide common development, test, and operational environments Current development and test systems cannot replicate load of operational systems Reduce complexity of development and test environments (drop VMS, Tru64) Improve ability to capture performance data, metrics, etc. Current systems too diverse Difficult to transfer performance measurement on development/test systems to operations
28 Current Development and I&T Environment VMS TRU64
29 New Architecture SUN FIRE 15K Domain Config Opus/Archive 7 Dynamically Re-Configurable Domains EMC OPUS/Archive OPS EMC Databases OPS Code Development System Test Database Test OS/Security Test
30 Programmatic Goals Continue planned pipeline evolution DADS Distribution redesign provides more flexibility to users and operators Reflect advent of OTFR Reflect community utilization of the archive Provide operators more control over priority and loadings Storing copy of Raw Data on EMC will dramatically reduce load and reliance on Jukeboxes Ingest redesign provides opportunity to finally end the arbitrary boundary between OPUS and DADS
31 Programmatic Goals Future growth paths for HST To first order, we expect HST to live within the capabilities of this architecture through SM4 to EOL Input data volume will increase some, but not a lot Plan to adjust distribution techniques and user expectations to live within the 15K/EMC resources However, we will encourage ever more and better use of HST science data Beyond HST End-of-Life HST data distribution would need to be revisited based on utilization at the time (seven years from now) and progress of NVO initiatives Architecture is planned starting point for JWST, hardware is very likely to need major upgrades
32 Remainder of the Review Architecture New hardware (Sunfire 15K, EMC) What it is, how it works Steps to make it operational Moving development, I&T, databases Moving operational processing OPUS processing Raw data off Jukeboxes onto EMC Archive software upgrades