Studio Design in HCI Fall 2005 Bill Hart-Davidson Session 10: class diagrams; prototype examples; review guidelines for phase 2 presentation & forecast your presentation
Today in Class Everybody makes and shares a class diagram of their system Share your prototype examples Review p2 presentation guidelines & forecast your presentation
A convention for representing a “has a” relationship “Buddy list” has “buddies” Buddy list buddies Denotes a “has a” relationship
A convention for representing a “peer/communication” relationship buddy talks to “Buddies talk to each other, 1 to 1.” 1 to many? Many to many? Many to 1?
Class Diagram Conventions objects relationships I know there are formal modeling languages such as UML, and conventions of other sorts. We will use a vastly simplified set of conventions. views notes
Relationship Conventions relationships Let’s use dotted lines whenever there is a relationship that can be expressed as X “communicates with” Y; X “accesses” Y; etc. We’ll use solid lines to indicate hierarchical relationships of various sorts: X “has a” Y; X “creates” Y;
Class Diagrams: What are they for? objects relationships Representing the user environments of your proposed design to groups other than your team: users, reviewers, implementors, etc. views notes
Class Diagrams: What do they do? objects relationships They allow you to highlight the function of the user environment without locking down implementation choices. Consider the alternative… views notes
Build and Share… A class diagram that depicts the objects, views, and relationships that constitute your system
Show us your prototype! Pick a requirement & set of functions (use your class diagram) Identify a question Recall your data about the issue Write a “claim” (or two!) Sketch it and test it on somebody nearby… I asked you to…
P2 Guidelines Remind us of your goal Introduce your current work Preview the contents Forecast the outcome
It’s a good idea to remind us of the need for your product… Start with the need “ More and more people today are interested in…. Then move us toward your solution Our HCI design project...
Present the Designer’s Model Show us the transformations you plan for the current activity using work models Introduce us to the system design via user roles, activities…using work models, class diagrams & state tables Make the links between the work and the system obvious!
Introduce us to the user environments and the interactions they support walk us through key interactions using a combination of flow/sequence models and your class diagrams summarize the relationships among objects in each environment Use your research to give details about views, object states, etc.
Recall your research…all the way through! The key to building credibility is to base your claims on the research you have conducted. –The EMT’s told us…. –When we watched shoppers, we saw… –This activity has developed and changed over time... –Breakdowns occur when...
Talk about what’s coming next Prototyping – show us which design ideas you are testing implementations for Mention design issues the team is facing Cue your reviewers and audience for feedback
Forecast your presentation Tell us about your presentation by explaining what charts you will show, in what order, etc. Use your OO modeling terms to explain what you are planning to highlight during your talk (which “objects” will you explain the states for? Which “views” will you explain?”). Tell us what evidence you are drawing on from your research
For next time… P2 presentations!