Aquatic Indicators Text: Ted Schaffer Editor: Laurie Rosenberg Assistant Editor: Nadine Smith Illustrator: Jamie Buckwalter MUHLENBERG COLLEGE
Living Things as Indictors of Water Quality
Esherichia Coli (E. Coli)
E. Coli Colonies on Agar Plate
Dissolved Oxygen Testing
Collecting Aquatic Organisms
Fast running streams with cold water - high dissolved oxygen levels. Still, shallow bodies of water - low dissolved oxygen levels.
Larvae: Dobsonfly, Mayfly, Stonefly Illustrations by
Damselfly adult and larvae (with gills)
Examples of Fairly Tolerant Organisms Midge Fly Larvae Scud or amphipod Illustrations by
AquaticEarthworm, Rat-tailed Maggot, Nematode