UBUNTU AFRICA: MY SUMMER 2011 EXPERIENCE Jamie Joseph ’13: Health Grand Challenges
This township, about 30 minutes outside of Cape Town boasts a population of 1.5 million people, as well as high rates of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, unemployment, and violent crime. Khayelitsha
About Ubuntu Africa
Ubuntu Africa Founded by Colorado College graduate in 2006 Provides comprehensive, holistic care for HIV-positive kids and teens Of any country, South Africa contains the largest number of HIV-positive individuals: 5.6 million Many of these individuals are children, 1.9 million of whom have been orphaned as a consequence of the epidemic Lack of parental support
Holistic care: 5 Focus Areas Health Nutrition Education Social Work and Counseling Confidence Building Activities
How does UBA work? Kids in S.A. receive little education about HIV/AIDS NO counseling or emotional support Insufficient food; lacking in nutritional value Negative attitude about themselves and towards the fight against HIV/AIDS UBA’s Youth Educator holds a weekly session discussing how the HIV virus affects the body, how infections are transmitted, and more. Monday “Weekend Stories” Daily meal: whole grains, protein, veggies Constant positive reinforcement and confidence building leave Khayelitsha! Specific IssuesUBA’s response
Support Network UBA works to not only educate and support children, but provide their families with the support network necessary to care for an HIV-positive child. Parental support groups HIV-positive parents Foster parents Grant tracking Doctor and clinic visits Home visits: weekly, yearly Personal counseling Food packages
What did I do?
Ubuntu Africa Chapter Packet How To Start an Organization Publicity Guide Event Planning Guide Letters FAQ …more?
Communication and Social Outreach Twitter and Facebok Connecting with other NGO’s Great tool for small organization Find/publish material that would attract more followers or friends Grant research/Networ king
Ubuntuintern.tumblr.com Staff Interviews Cultural Commentary Daily triumphs and struggles Photos Tips about Cape Town
What will I take away?
NGO/Developing Country Experience Occasionally dysfunctional Cooperation between Western and South African staff How to expand/strategies for outreach if you’re a small NGO
Future Policy Ideas Food for school and school for food Ease restrictions on ARV pickup Speak more openly and positively about HIV/AIDS, especially in townships Increase prevalence/quality of HIV/AIDS education Talk about sexual health
Personal Growth New, renowned commitment to global health issues Hope for this generation of HIV- positive children Newfound passion for traveling
Thank you!