Database Searching
Database searching generalities Literal If you type in a phrase it will search for the phrase Boolean operators/connectors AND - narrows OR - broadens Truncation/wildcard Allows you to easily search for variant word endings * in the UW Libraries Catalog, America History & Life, Historical Abstracts
Boolean Connector: AND tall AND dark AND handsome
Boolean Connector: OR tall OR dark OR handsome
Dark 5 ft. 3 inches
Boolean Connectors: combining (female OR women) AND world war 1914 female women world war 1914
Truncation/wildcard Searches for variant word endings such as plural. crim* finds: crime crimes criminal criminals crimson In other words the truncation symbol acts as an OR crime OR crimes OR criminal OR criminals
Creating Search Statements
Developing a Search Statement TOPIC: Espionage during World War I Key Concepts Synonyms Related terms: People Places Events Dates Organizations An encyclopedia or google may be helpful in identifying these terms.
Example Espionage during World War I Espionage WWI spy spies intelligence secret service World war first world war John Charteris Herbert Yardley Walther Nicolai Cryptography Room 40 Reginald Hall Naval Intelligence Division Mata Hari Related Terms: Found in The European Powers In the First World War: An Encyclopedia
Search statements Query typed into a database: Keywords/key phrases/key concepts linked by Boolean connectors (espionage OR intelligence) AND (world war I OR world war 1914) history AND (espionage OR secret service) cryptography AND (world war I OR world war 1914) mata hari Room 40