RIPPLLing our way to a Reference Model Clive Church, CETIS Angela Smallwood, University of Nottingham
ePortfolios Premise Everyone has a different view of what an ePortfolio contains Everyone is right
Goals and Aspirations Goals and Aspirations Qualification Details Personal Details Institutions Attended Personal Achievements Interests Courses to be applied for Application to College Generator Applying from school to college: The Nottingham LEA ePassportfolio system
Underlying Philosophy: Goals and Aspirations Qualification Details Personal Details Institutions Attended School / Home School Application to College Generator School/ Home School Personal Achievements Interests School/ Home School/ Home Coursework School data components Data components can be stored on different systems Components can be transferable from system to system Appropriate components can be accessed from individual applications
GOALQCL Qualifications, Certificates and Licences INTERESTS ACTIVITY ID SECURITY ACCESSIBILTYCOMPETENCY TRANSCRIPT RELATIONSHIPS AFFILIATIONS The LEAP (British Standard BS 8788) Space Coursework Schools, colleges attended For example: between QCI and a portfolio Summary of all achievements Table of Rights …..and the components conform to standards
ePortfolio Developments Nottingham University and partners 1. RIPPLL (Regional Interoperability Project on Progression for Lifelong Learning) Test LEAP for moving data both between institutions and also between institution and employer (in both directions) Pilot LEAP within the City of Nottingham Passport and support development of new Passportfolio system as fully LEAP compliant Provide a range of scenarios and use cases Partners: Nottingham Trent University Nottingham LEA West Notts College, Broxtowe College, New College Nottingham, [Newark College] Toyota Lexus Academy SMEs in IT industry
City of Nottingham Passport (One use case: school to college) ID Acces sibility Goal Inter ests App: School ILP (years 9 to 11) IDQCL 1* Inter ests Goal Acces sibility Other data App: Build an application to College App: Transmitting Results IDQCL 1* QCL 2* QCL 2* ID Acces sibility Goal Inter ests Other Data App: Build ILP framework ??? From Awarding Body?College’s data
Regional Interoperability Project on Progression for Lifelong Learning (RIPPLL ) Use cases: pathways through learning Contribution to Interoperability standards Testing Standards Authentication ….and its link to Lifelong Learning Applications to work, college, university Individual Learning Plans Progress reflection Goal Setting Recording achievements Assessment Guidance
RIPPLLing thro’ the region FE applications process All post-16 colleges in the region involved Dissemination of: –Awareness –Know-how –Technical infrastructure Enabling further collaboration in future to share data via web services
Leaving School College, travel or job? 3 years working for the Council I’ll use my City Learner Passport to apply to College and get a better job Can’t afford University But can apply for a Foundation Degree using my learning plan Finished my Work based learning degree I’m looking for new job with skills evidenced in my ePortfolio I’ve kept my ePortfolio up to date Now I can carry on adding to it as a Union rep Age 16 years Age 6 months Creche Learner Passport learndirect Local College School Record University Vision being explored through 12 projects developing eportfolios for lifelong learning. Susie makes decisions at key stages about, assisted by a lifelong learning record or ePortfolio to apply for courses and jobs and to plan career decisions MUSCLE: joint learner records for schools and colleges SHELL: regional student lifelong learning record Nottingham: work between City and University to allow wider access to Higher Education NIIMLE: giving students access to lifelong learning record through a web portal QMUL: supporting online PDP for work-based learners on degree courses UEO: providing training for union representatives through national network of colleges CRA: work to develop technically and culturally sustainable lifelong learning record
ePF4LL original concept
Areas covered by RIPPLL
Areas studied by eP4LL
Data transfer and data look-up ePF4LL started with data transfer and moved on to data look-up via web services within the Framework It is exploring the idea of the ‘thin’ ePF application, interacting with ePF-enabled services Feasibility of ePF for LLL depends partly on reusability of technology – patterns: identifying analogous processes and common web services
‘Thin’ ePortfolio -- illustration
Synergies RIPPLL Reference Model –Real world testbed –Scenarios and use cases Reference Model RIPPLL –Web services approach –Shibboleth: distributed access to data = far more workable model
ePortfolio Developments Nottingham University (and partners) 2. Reference Model: eP4LL (e-portfolio for Lifelong Learning) More e-portfolio use cases with methodology Definition of common services (the generic software that links data and software together such as an orchestration service) Contributions to technical standards development Source of expertise for government and its agencies.
Technical Achievements Use of LEAP Use of XSLT (extensible style sheet language transform) Web service in receivers domain ePassportfolio Data Web Service Parser Database SchoolCollege Validation of Shibboleth
Links with Assessment Reference Model (FREMA) : A Domain View Items Validation Final Grade Structuring Assessment Marking Grade book Multiplicity Mock Self assess Mark Review Learning Peer Group Student Feedback EvidenceTracking Artefacts Course Group Member Transcript Schedule Delivery
FREMA: A Domain view –overlapping with e-portfolios Items Validation Final Grade Structuring Assessment Marking Grade book Multiplicity Mock Self assess Mark Review Learning Peer Group Student Feedback EvidenceTracking Artefacts Course Group Member Transcript Schedule Delivery
Future technical developments…….. 1. Inclusion of authentication 2. Creation of more generic web services (SOAP, WSDL..) Goals and Aspirations Qualification Details Personal Details Institutions Attended School / Home School Personal Guidance School/ Home School Personal Achievements Interests School/ Home School/ Home Coursework School Access rights service Orchestration between services and authentication