September 2007 Geert Temmerman National Bank of Belgium Euro-communication towards officials
Content 1.Generalities 2.Communication towards private sector 3.Communication within authorities
Preliminary remark: Communication campaign started already in 1996 Two climaxes: –January 1, 1999 –January 1, 2002
In Belgium Coordinated approach from the outset via General Commission for the euro Authorities, financial institutions, trade unions, professional associations, press,... Everybody aware of necessity to organise good information Special attention for weaker social groups
4 central working parties with dozens of working parties FIN EURO ADMI EUROECO EURO COM EURO COM General Commission for the euro - financial markets (1999) - cash (2002) - non-cash transactions - prudential supervision - consumers - companies, business.. - insurance companies - communication to "weaker social groups" - legislation - accounting, budgetting, - processes and IT in administrations - training & communication - local administrations - social security - communication Specific working parties - conversion and rounding - contingency plan cash- changeover
Coordinator, catalyser, stimulator Detecting lacks, avoiding waste Supplying guaranteed information (e.g. periodical journals to inform information managers) in charge of official website going trough and/or approving publications by others General Commission for the euro
Communication towards private sector by authorities other than central bank Main topics: –why single currency? rational of EMU –conversion rate –continuity of prices –reference values –changeover scenario –legal aspects
Several target groups –other authorities, subordinated authorities, officials –private sector social security institutions –weaker groups –professional groups with special needs –and of course: the general public! Communication towards private sector by authorities other than central bank
Main focus: cash ECB and NCBs: information campaign "Euro 2002" Target groups: general public, SMEs, weaker social groups, schools Communication towards private sector by central bank
Periodical journal of General Commission (twice a year) Series of brochures with official texts, guidelines, recommendations, etc. all having the same appearance Hundreds of exposés by staff members of General Commission for all kinds of audiences Communication by General Commission for the euro
Excellent relations with press and media; staff ready to help journalists willing to write on the change-over Website Communication by General Commission for the euro
Communication to officials was permanent concern within ADMI EURO (point of particular interest of first chairman of ADMI EURO) Technical working party (out of the 4) on training and communication Communication and mobilisation within authorities
General Commission for the euro and Federal Public Information Agency intensely involved Also involved: communication offices of European Parliament and European Commission in Belgium Remember: officials are also consumers and got the general information everybody got Communication and mobilisation within authorities
1997 kick-off: kind of Euro-show for several hundreds of officials from all ministries –Organised by Ministry of Finance –Exposés alternating with playful sketches played by actors Most training was organised within departments Training culminating to the running up to January 1, 2002
Communication and mobilisation within authorities Bulletin ADMI EURO: –Periodical for officials of all authorities involved in change-over –Edited by Ministry of Finance –8 issues: 1st: January 1997 / 8th: May 2001 –8 to 12 pages each –Also available for everybody on
Communication and mobilisation within authorities Publications by technical working parties –Several very detailed guidelines for public authorities' IT-people –Guidelines on the presentation of the budget, on accounting,... –Several guidelines (e.g. social affairs) published as part of the series of brochures of the General Commission
Communication and mobilisation within authorities Publications by Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Economic Affairs towards general public were also utmost interesting material for officials involved in change-over in these and other departments
Communication and mobilisation within authorities Generally spoken, officials seemed quite enthusiastic about the project Job of officials made easier by: –Broad acceptance of euro by public –Awareness of importance of project in all sections of society (authorities, professional associations, trade unions,...) –Excellent spirit of cooperation within authorities; no competition (material put at the disposal of others without reticence)
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