Module 4: Configuring Caching
Overview Cache Overview Configuring Cache Policy Configuring Cache Settings Configuring Scheduled Content Downloads
Cache Overview Caching Functions Processing Requests for New Objects Processing Requests for Cached Objects
Caching Functions RAM and Disk Caching Most of Working Set in RAM Directory of Cached Objects Single Cache File Quick Recovery Efficient Cache Updates Active Caching Cache Pre-Fetching Automatic Cleanup Cache
Processing Requests for New Objects RAM Disk Cache Directory Objects 1 Request A 4 A Cache Directory Backup Cache Entry 1 Allocate Cache Entry A Internet 3 5 Batch Update
Processing Requests for Cached Objects RAM Disk Cache Directory Objects 1 Request A A 3 Cache Directory Backup Cache Entry 1 2
Configuring Cache Policy Configuring HTTP Caching Configuring Expiration Policies Configuring Active Caching Configuring FTP Caching Configuring Advanced Cache Settings Configuring Actions for Inaccessible Objects
Configuring HTTP Caching Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancelApply No less than:15Minutes No more than:1Days No less than:15Minutes No more than:1Days Enable HTTP Caching Unless source specifies expiration, update source: Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Frequently (Expire immediately) Normally Less frequently (Reduced network traffic is important) Set Time To Live (TTL) of object in cache to: This percentage of content age20 (Time since creation of modification): Select to enable HTTP caching.
Configuring Expiration Policies Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancelApply No less than:15Minutes No more than:1Days Enable HTTP Caching Unless source specifies expiration, update source: Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Frequently (Expire immediately) Normally Less frequently (Reduced network traffic is important) Set Time To Live (TTL) of object in cache to: This percentage of content age20 (Time since creation of modification): Select to create pre- configured expiration policies. Select to create custom expiration policies.
Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancelApply Enable active Caching Active caching automatically retrieves frequently accessed files. Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Frequently (Client performance is more important) Normally (Client performance and reduced network traffic are equally important) Less frequently (Reduced network traffic is more important) Retrieve files: Configuring Active Caching Select to create an active caching policy.
Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancel Enable FTP caching Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Configuring FTP Caching Specify a time for FTP objects to remain in the cache. Apply Time to Live for all objects: 1440Minutes
Configuring Advanced Cache Settings Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancelApply Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Maximum size of URL cached in memory (bytes):12800 Do not return the expired object (return an error page) Return the expired object only if expiration was: At less that this percentage of original Time 50 to Live: But no more than (minutes):60 If Web site of expired object cannot be reached: Percentage of available memory to use for caching:50 Do not cache objects larger than:1KB Cache objects that have an unspecified last modification time Cache objects even if they do not have an HTTP status code of 200 Cache dynamic content (objects with question marks in the URL) Select to configure cache settings for specific objects.
Configuring Actions for Inaccessible Objects ISA Server ISA Server Client 301 Client requests object 1 Object is not available 2 ISA Server returns the expired object from its cache and caches error response 3 Internet
Configuring Cache Settings Adjusting Cache Size Adjusting Memory Allocation
Adjusting Cache Size LONDON Properties Cache Drives LONDON OKCancelApply Set 100Maximum cache size (MB): Total disk space (MB):39064 Total maximum cache size (MB):100 Specify the size of the cache. urlcache FileEditViewFavoritesToolsHelp Back dir1File Folder9/6/2000 9:43 PM dir1100,800 KBMicrosoft ISA Server Cache File9/18/2000 9:28 PM SearchFoldersHistory Go NameSizeTypeModified Addressurlcache Select an item to view its description See also: My Documents My Network Places 2 object(s) 98.4 MB My Computer The.cdat file on the drive will be the same size as the cache. DriveTypeDisk space…Free space…Cache Size…
Adjusting Memory Allocation Cache Configuration Properties General OKCancelApply Restore Defaults HTTPFTPActive CachingAdvanced Maximum size of URL cached in memory (bytes):12800 Do not return the expired object (return an error page) Return the expired object only if expiration was: At less that this percentage of original Time 50 to Live: But no more than (minutes):60 If Web site of expired object cannot be reached: Percentage of available memory to use for caching:50 Do not cache objects larger than:1KB Cache objects that have an unspecified last modification time Cache objects even if they do not have an HTTP status code of 200 Cache dynamic content (objects with question marks in the URL) Type a number between 1 and 100 to specify the maximum percentage of memory.
Name the Job Select the Date and Time Select the Frequency Enter the URL Specify Job Parameters Configuring Scheduled Content Downloads StartStart FinishFinish
Lab A: Configuring Caching
Review Cache Overview Configuring Cache Policy Configuring Cache Settings Configuring Scheduled Content Downloads