Introduction to Computing Dr. Nadeem A Khan
Lecture 4
Local vs Form Variables
Not only +,-,*,^ But also: But also: \ opeartor e.g: 5.1\2.04= 2 \ opeartor e.g: 5.1\2.04= 2 MOD operator e.g: 15.2 MOD 6=3 MOD operator e.g: 15.2 MOD 6=3 => First round to closest integers before operation More on Operators
More on Operators (Contd.) ► Operator Precedence 1. ^ 2.- operator (indicating a negative value) 3. * and / operator 4. \ operator 5. MOD operator 6. + and - operator
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Format$ Format$(num, fmt) num: number, numeric expression, string of a number fmt: format string Result => String consisting of a formatted version of the number
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “Standard”)12, Format$( , “Currency”)$12, Format$(-1234, “Standard”)-1, Format$(-1234, “Standard”)-1, Format$(-1234, “Currency”)($1,234.00) Format$(-1234, “Currency”)($1,234.00) =>Result: two digits after decimal; Commas every three places to the left of the decimal point; leading ‘$’ sign for currency
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(1/4, “Standard”)? Format$(“.2”, “Currency”)? Format$( , “Currency”)?
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(1/4, “Standard”)0.25 Format$(“.2”, “Currency”)$0.20 Format$( , “Currency”)($1,234.80)
Built-in Functions (Contd.) Other functions Other functions ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “#,0”)12,346 Format$(-3.6, “#,0”)-4 Format$( , “Percent”) % Format$( , “Scientific”)1.23E+04 Format$(2/3/03, “Long Date”)Monday February 3, 2003 Format$(2/3/03, “Medium Date”)03-Feb-03 =>More examples on following slides
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “#,0”)12,346 Format$(-3.6, “#,0”)-4 =>Result: Rounded; =>Result: Rounded; Commas every three places to the left of the decimal point
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(123.82, “#,0”)? Format$(-3.2, “#,0”)?
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “Percent”) % =>Result: Multiplied by 100; trailing % sign; two digits after decimal
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(.06265, “Percent”)? Format$(1/8, “Percent”)?
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(.06265, “Percent”)6.27% Format$(1/8, “Percent”)12.50%
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “Scientific”)1.23E+04 =>Result: first number between 1 and 9.99 and of two digits after decimal; and of two digits after decimal; Exponent value preceded by E and sign; Exponent value preceded by E and sign;
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “Scientific”)? Format$(1/8, “Scientific”)?
Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$( , “Scientific”)-6.00E+02 Format$(1/8, “Scientific”)-1.25E-01
Built-in Functions (Contd.) Formatting dates: Formatting dates: ► FunctionString Value Format$(“7/4/96”, “Long Date”)Thursday, July 4, 1996 Format$(“7/4/96”, “Medium Date”) 04-Jul-96
Built-in Functions (Contd.) Fixed length string formatting: Fixed length string formatting: ► FunctionString Value Format$( , Format$(123, Format$(“ ”, Format$(“$1,234.56”, Format$(1/4,
Generating Random Numbers The function: Rnd The function: Rnd ► Generates a random number from 0 up to but not including 1 Picture1.Print Rnd‘print a different number each time Let numvar= Rnd‘a random value is assigned
Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The function: Rnd The function: Rnd Display numbers from the set {1,2,3,4,5,6} randomly!
Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The statement: Randomize Timer? The statement: Randomize Timer?
Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The statement: Randomize Timer The statement: Randomize Timer Sub Command1_Click ( ) Rem Display a lottery number Picture1.Cls Randomize Timer Picture1.Print Int(10*Rnd); Picture1.Print Int(10*Rnd) End Sub
Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer) statements statements End Sub ► Text1_KeyPress event will occur when Text1 has the focus and a key is pressed Text1 has the focus and a key is pressed The Keypress Event Procedure
Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer) statements statements End Sub ► Keyascii is a variable (of type Integer) gets the ANSI value of the pressed key value is used to display the corresponding character in the Text1 at the end of this procedure The Keypress Event Procedure (Contd.)
The ANSI (ASCII) Code ► A 7 bit code representing one of the 95 characters (including space) ► Normally one byte is used to store this code
What will happen in these cases? Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer) Let KeyAscii =65 Let KeyAscii =65 End Sub Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer) Let KeyAscii =0 Let KeyAscii =0 End Sub The Keypress Event Procedure (Contd.)
Read Chapter 4 completely
Decision Structure: Flowchart Process Step (s) 2 Is Condition True Process Step (s) 1
IF BLOCKS IF condition Then action1Else action 2 action 2 End If
IF BLOCK (Contd.) ► Complete the program: Identifies and displays the larger value and its variable (assume unequal values) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=5... Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub
IF BLOCK (Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=5 If a>b Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” largerVal=aElse Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” largerVal=b End If Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub
IF BLOCK (Contd.) Result: b has the larger value Its value is: 5
IF BLOCK (Contd.) What the following program will do?
IF BLOCK (Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single, largerVal As Single Let a=4 Let b=4 If (a>b) Or (a=b) Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” largerVal=aElse Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” largerVal=b End If Picture1. Print “Its value is:”;largerVal End Sub
IF BLOCK (Contd.) Result: a has the larger value Its value is: 4
IF BLOCK EXTENDED IF condition 1 Then action1 ElseIf condition 2 Then action 2 action 2 ElseIf condition 3 Then action 3 End If
IF BLOCK EXTENDED(Contd.) What the following program will do?
IF BLOCK EXTENDED(Contd.) Sub Command1_Click Dim a As Single, b As Single Let a=4 Let b=5 If (a>b) Then Picture1.Print “a has the larger value” ElseIf (a<b) Then Picture1.Print “b has the larger value” Else Picture1.Print “a and b have same value” End If End Sub
IF BLOCK EXTENDED (Contd.) Result: b has the larger value
Conditions: Examples ► ExpressionTrue/False 2 < 5? -5 > -2.5? 1 < 1? 1 = 1? 3.5 <= 3.5? -9 >= -35? -2 <> -3?
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False 2 < 5True -5 > -2.5False 1 < 1False 1 = 1True 3.5 <= 3.5True -9 >= -35True -2 <> -3True
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False “cat” < “dog”? “cart” < “cat”? “cat” < “catalog”? “9W” < “bat”? “Dog” < “cat” ? “Sales-99” <= “Sales-retail”?
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► For strings use the ANSI (or ASCI) table CharactersANSI(ASCI) Value CharactersANSI(ASCI) Value Digits (0-9)48-57 Upper Case (A-Z)65-90 Lower Case (a-z) ► Compare two strings character by character
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► ExpressionTrue/False “cat” < “dog”True “cart” < “cat”True “cat” < “catalog”True “9W” < “bat”True “Dog” < “cat” True “Sales-99 <= “Sales-retail”True
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume a= 4; b= 3; c=“hello”; d=“bye” ► ExpressionTrue/False (a + b) < 2*a? (Len(c) - b) = (a/2)? c < “good” & d?
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume a= 4; b= 3; c=“hello”; d=“bye” ► ExpressionTrue/False (a + b) < 2*aTrue (Len(c) - b) = (a/2)True c < “good” & dFalse
Conditions (Contd.) ► Condition is an expression involving relational operators; it is either True or False ► Relational operators: =; <>; ; =
Conditions (Contd.) ► Complex Conditions: Conditions joined by Logical Operators cond1 And cond2 cond1 Or cond2 Not cond1
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume n= 4; answ=“Y” ► ExpressionTrue/False (2<n)And(n<6) ? Not(n<6)? (answ=“Y”) Or (answ=“y”)?
Conditions: Examples (Contd.) ► Assume n= 4; answ=“Y” ► ExpressionTrue/False (2<n)And(n<6) True Not(n<6)False (answ=“Y”) Or (answ=“y”)True
Conditions (Contd.) ► Operator hierarchy: In decreasing order of priority: Arithemetic Relational Logical ► Logical operator hierarchy: In decreasing order of priority: Not And Or
Conditions (Contd.) => - Tie: Left most operator is first - Use parantheses