Grading and Pay Scales Jane Littlehales
Problem No standard grades or pay scales for ITSS No standard job description or duties No central control or administrator to set them
Data Mining – Existing Data ITSS on many scales Cannot pick out ITSS from, say, all on academic related scales Staff categories on University payroll do not show part time ITSS
Data Mining – Gather Data ITSSG conducted an information gathering exercise Collected job adverts from for 6 months Analysed into job categories Compared Oxford vs. other universities Universities vs. commercial Minutes html
Outcomes Difficult to compare widely differing job titles, duties etc. Some groups easier than others Unix administrators, trainers Oxford pay ranges are same as those offered in other universities Pay ranges at all universities lower than commercial
Example – Unix Admin University salaries Minimum £16.5k to £18.5k Maximum £30k Commercial Minimum of £35k Maximum???
Other Findings Oxford adverts on Poorly formatted Used old, non belted crest No line breaks! Identical jobs in Oxford Colleges at different salaries
Staff Committee Decides pay scales for jobs Alex Reid was a member Currently no IT representation IT staff are a small proportion of total
Next Steps Liaise with Paul Jeffreys Try to find out who is responsible for job adverts Information gathering
Who to approach Working through which committees More information needed from people Trying to recruit Moving within the University Coming in from outside Leaving Via anonymous web form