What do we learn from Sarah and Abraham? 1.Blessed to be a blessing 2.Gifts of the Jews: future, individual choices make a difference 1.New 2.Adventure 3.Surprise 4.Unique 5.Individual 6.Person 7.Vocation 8.Time 9.History 10.Future 11.Freedom 12.Progress 13.Spirit 14.Faith 15.Hope 16.Justice 3.Personal relationship: love and trust 4.Scandal of particularity: heilsgeschicte
What do we learn from Exodus? 1.Purpose of the plagues: to punish and reveal Ex 5:2, 7:5, 7:17, 8:10, 8:22, 9:14-16, 9:29, 11:7, 14:4, 14:18, 18:11 It worked Ex 12:38 2.Commandments are a response to God’s loving action 3.The response the commandments want is love Love God: No other gods Ex 20:3 Deut 6:5 Love what God loves: Love your neighbor Lev 19:18 Matt 22: Balanced economic system Lev 25 5.Concern for poor Don’t oppress Ex 22:21-22 Charge no interest Ex 22:25 Bedding can’t be taken in pledge Ex 22:26-27 Leave unharvested edges and drops Lev 19:9-10 Allow people to eat when hungry Deut 23:25 Share the thanksgiving feast Deut 14:22-27 Give 10% directly to poor every third year Deut 14: Equal justice under law Ex 23:3, 6
What do we learn from Judges? 1.God blesses when nations obey and punishes when they don’t Deuteronomy Judges 2:6-15 Amos God shows his grace by delivering his people Judges 2:18 3.Disobedience leads not to immediate destruction but to more chances Judges 2:20 4.God can use imperfect people to accomplish his perfect purpose Judges 4:8 5.When people abandon God’s law, unspeakable suffering results Judges 19-20
What do we learn from the Kingdom? 1.Everyone, even the king, is under God’s law 2 Sam 11:27 2.God establishes three institutions and a support team Family Exodus 20:12 Priesthood Exodus State 1 Samuel 8 Support (Prophets) Deuteronomy 18:15
[dy (yada) Genesis 4:1And Adam yadaed Eve and she conceived Exodus 1:8 A new king, who did not yada Joseph Exodus 2:25God looked on the Israelites and yadaed them Exodus 3:7I yada their sufferings Exodus 23:9You yada the heart of a stranger Proverbs 12:10A righteous man yadas the life of his beast 1 Samuel 10:12Eli’s sons were wicked men; they did not yada the Lord Hosea 2:20I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will yada the Lord
tma emeth truth, faithfulness, reliability dsh hesed lovingkindness, mercy, grace t[D ddaath knowledge, commitment, experience There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. Hosea 4:1