1 Water Information System for EUROPE (WISE) Unit D.2 – Water and Marine DG Environment, European Commission
3 The EU bodies (DG ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) and EU25 Member States, Norway, Bulgaria and Romania agreed on the Water Directors’ meeting in November 2003 the: “Development of a new, comprehensive, shared European data and information management system for water, including river basins (WISE). The system should be based on the concept paper and should be fully implemented by 2010” What is WISE?
4 “Water Information System for Europe” is: an idea/vision (2002) a concept (2003) – concept paper published on internet a process (2003 …) – Working Group D on Reporting a co-operation (between EU bodies and MS) a set of tools (GIS, prototype, RTD, …) an internet and “single entry” portal a definition of reporting requirements a gateway for (public) information (2007) and furthermore! What is WISE?
5 It is a flexible 3-stage work programme : 2005: Planning 2006: Preparation : Construction Strategic planning, does not provide all details Principle: Report once use many – harmonise reporting tools New WISE GIS will provide multilevel GIS infrastructure WISE Implementation Plan – Key elements:
6 Timetable for integration of other Directives Urban Water Water Treatment – 2007/8 Nitrate Directive – 2008 Bathing Waters Directive –2007/8 Drinking Water Directive –2007/8 Thereafter (to be decided) –ESTAT/OECD Joint questionnaire –Marine strategy –Floods directive
9 WFD prototype EOINET water Map Server Water base Now 2007 Member states WISE prototype State of env’ment Member states Inter calibrat’n WISE public Member states WFD, UWWD EIONET Water Member states ESTAT Other policies/ users WISE public 2010 Urban WWD Push Pull protocols Access protocols WISE expert WISE analysis Access protocols INPUT OUTPUT
10 On water policy at EU level: On urban waste water: urbanwaste/index_en.html On WISE: Useful references