Basic Computer Skills By Ian Cole Lecturer in C&IT (Communications and Information Technology) University of York Department of Health Sciences
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Session Plan Introduction Why use Computers Computer Competences. Using Computers at the University of York. Login on. Computer Practical Using CLaSS Software. Self-Directed work.
Why use computers. For academic work: Word processing. Bibliographic database search. Access to on-line nursing journals & books. Communication: . Discussion lists & text chat. Nurses MUST be computer literate: Computers are in every area of the medical profession. NHS have adopted the ECDL to train existing staff.
Basic Computer Competencies Intermediate Competencies Word Processing Information Retrieval Internet & Databases
Basic competencies - 1 Start Windows 95/98/2000: Know the keys on the keyboard: Control Windows with the Mouse: Point Single Left Click Single Right Click Double Click Drag items Use the Start button: Open drop-down menus with the Mouse: Point to menu items Select and open menu items Find and use the Help menu: Choose commands by pointing and clicking: Use dialog boxes by opening and filling in text:
Basic competencies - 2 Close menus: Manage the windows on the desktop: Maximize and minimize windows Restore windows Close windows Use horizontal and vertical scroll bars Manipulate windows using the Taskbar Open and close a Program: Quit or shutdown Windows 95/98/2000:
Intermediate Competencies Use Windows Explorer: Use basic search strategies. Documents. Internet. Databases. Highlight text: Copy and Paste text: Manage multiple windows: Resize window Arrange windows (cascade/tile) Use My Computer Copy a folder Create a folder Open documents Create a new file Select and copy a file Move documents Move file to Recycle Bin Create and use shortcuts: Copying a floppy disk: Formatting a floppy disk:
Advanced Competencies Installing software: Advanced use of software: Macro’s or mail merge in Microsoft Word. Advanced Search strategies: Complex database searching. Computer programming:
Learning Outcomes Students should be able to: Logon and use the University of York, Department of Health Sciences Computers. Use the CLaSS software Complete all of the basic computer competences. Be able to complete some of the intermediate computer competences.
Using Computers at the University of York. University of York Campus Computing Facilities (inc Kings Manor): Approx 450 Students Computers. Most Colleges have at least one computer lab. DoHS has its own computer network with IT facilities on NHS trust sites.
Logging on. Press the keyboard to activate the computer. Press ‘Ctrl,Alt & Delete’ to access login prompt. Check where you are logging on to Logon to where panel: ADSVAYORK AEWPC41 (this computer) CSRVADYORK CSRVADYORK Enter username & Password.
User ID Number Password Logging on.
Computer Literacy and Skills System (CLaSS). CLaSS software is five interactive computer tutorials, covering the following topics : 1. How to use a Keyboard. 2. How to use a Mouse. 3. Navigating Windows. 4. Searching a Database. 5. Searching the Internet. It was created to: Help students with computer and information literacy..
It is available on all University and DoHS computers It can be accessed via: The Health Studies subfolder in the Teaching folder on a University computer. The Miscellaneous Applications folder of the Novell Launcher on a Health Sciences computer.
Computer Practical Complete Computer Competence Questionnaire. Start the CLaSS software. Identify areas that need work. Work through tutorials. Using Software & Workbooks. Ask for help when needed.
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