San José State University 1 Developing a Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) Program at SJSU Panel on SSME Research & Curriculum at AMCIS 2007, August 11, 2007 at AMCIS 2007, August 11, 2007 Stephen K. Kwan, Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean College of Business Sponsored by Lou Freund, Ph.D. Chair, Industrial & Systems Engineering College of Engineering
San José State University 2 Background Industrial & Systems Engineering and Hospitality Management have both offered Service Operations coursesIndustrial & Systems Engineering and Hospitality Management have both offered Service Operations courses Some research history and interestSome research history and interest Met Jim Spohrer, Director of Almaden Services Research at IBMMet Jim Spohrer, Director of Almaden Services Research at IBM Invited him and Paul Maglio to SJSU for presentationInvited him and Paul Maglio to SJSU for presentation Set up project team to discuss opportunitySet up project team to discuss opportunity Met Jim again – some common interestsMet Jim again – some common interests Many overlaps within interested communityMany overlaps within interested community Prepared proposal, presented to Jon IwataPrepared proposal, presented to Jon Iwata
San José State University 3 What is SSME? (Services Sciences, Management, and Engineering) The application of scientific, management, and engineering disciplines to tasks that one organization beneficially performs for and with another (‘services’)The application of scientific, management, and engineering disciplines to tasks that one organization beneficially performs for and with another (‘services’) Science is a way to create knowledgeScience is a way to create knowledge Engineering is a way to apply knowledge and create new valueEngineering is a way to apply knowledge and create new value Business Model is a way to apply knowledge and capture valueBusiness Model is a way to apply knowledge and capture value Management improves the process of creating and capturing valueManagement improves the process of creating and capturing value
San José State University 4 “ Service Science is just ___ ____” OR/IEMS CS/AI Multiagent Systems Economics & Law Game Theory MIS Anthropology & Psychology OrganizationTheory A Service System is Complex ServiceOperationsMarketingManagementQuality Supply Chain Human Factors DesignInnovationEngineeringSystemsComputingEconomicsArtsScience Information Science(i-schools) GeneralSystemsTheory
San José State University 5 Proposal to IBM Inter-disciplinary Graduate Curriculum – Business, Engineering, Computer Science, Hospitality ManagementInter-disciplinary Graduate Curriculum – Business, Engineering, Computer Science, Hospitality Management Concentration for various degreesConcentration for various degrees Case Study DevelopmentCase Study Development Research Agenda DevelopmentResearch Agenda Development Community DevelopmentCommunity Development
San José State University 6 SSME Core Courses Service Engineering & Management ServiceStrategy ProjectsinSSME ServiceQuality ServiceInnovation
San José State University 7 Degree Programs BusinessMasterDegrees Inter-Disciplinary Master Degree EngineeringMasterDegrees SSME ComputerScienceMasterDegree
San José State University 8 Course ISE 142 / 242 Service Engineering and Management Introduction to services / experiential economy and role of systems engineeringIntroduction to services / experiential economy and role of systems engineering Goal: Introduce students to applications of ISE concepts and methodologies in the services environmentGoal: Introduce students to applications of ISE concepts and methodologies in the services environment Text: Service Management – Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, McGraw-HillText: Service Management – Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, McGraw-Hill Cases to illustrate concepts and strategiesCases to illustrate concepts and strategies Guest speakersGuest speakers Teaching experience will form basis for future program designTeaching experience will form basis for future program design To be offered in Fall 2007
San José State University 9 Include Practical Examples & Guest Speakers
San José State University 10 Research Agenda Development “ Provide Thought Leadership in Innovative and Effective Implementation of Information Technology in Enterprise Service Operations”
San José State University 11 Current Projects 1.Survey of SSME Curriculum – gauging suitability for SJSU curriculum – no need to reinvent the wheel – looking for case studies. 2.Developing common modules for the curriculum. 3.“How should online services be rated?” – a multi-factor approach – e.g., eBay 4.“Service Expectations, Service Level Agreement, End User License Agreements (EULAs) and Customer’s Bill of Rights.”
San José State University 12 Some Interesting Research Questions Should all traditional manufacturing companies re- invent themselves into service companies? If so, why and how? On a larger scale, are government and corporate collaborations effectively fueling this transition in any parts of the world? If so, why and how? On a larger scale, are government and corporate collaborations effectively fueling this transition in any parts of the world? If so, why and how? How to develop a common language for service systems – implications for service contracts, shopping for services, ontology of services, etc. – SvcSysXML – Service Systems Extensible Mark-up Language? How to develop a common language for service systems – implications for service contracts, shopping for services, ontology of services, etc. – SvcSysXML – Service Systems Extensible Mark-up Language?
San José State University 13 Community Development Regional Workshop in San José – invite other universities and industry partners to share curriculum and research ideas – sponsored by Silicon Valley Economic Forum in Spring 2008?Regional Workshop in San José – invite other universities and industry partners to share curriculum and research ideas – sponsored by Silicon Valley Economic Forum in Spring 2008? Evangelize SSME in the Silicon Valley to recruit students and industry partnersEvangelize SSME in the Silicon Valley to recruit students and industry partners Create a SIGSVC in Association for Information Systems (AIS) √ ( Thanks to Sue Conger, Ramesh Venkatraman, …… )Create a SIGSVC in Association for Information Systems (AIS) √ ( Thanks to Sue Conger, Ramesh Venkatraman, …… ) Host an online forum and create a repository of SSME curriculum for the communityHost an online forum and create a repository of SSME curriculum for the community
San José State University 14 Status Check Actively seeking partnership and collaborators √Actively seeking partnership and collaborators √ Start Development of Curriculum and Research √Start Development of Curriculum and Research √ Distribute our own RFP for curriculum development and research √Distribute our own RFP for curriculum development and research √ Give “SSME Champion” presentations √Give “SSME Champion” presentations √ Respond to Cisco RFP?Respond to Cisco RFP? Prepare NSF proposal?Prepare NSF proposal?
San José State University 15 Let’s Join!