Online and Printable Games Click on the picture in each slide to go to the actual game website. Abraham Lincoln picture credit: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, e.g., LC-USZ DLC] (b&w film copy neg.)
Online Abraham Lincoln Word Search Puzzle Requires Macromedia Flash Player Webstantaneous Web Marketing Apples for the Teacher. Presidents' Day Activities and Games for Kids Abraham Lincoln Word Search
Online Abraham Lincoln at Mt. Rushmore Jigsaw Puzzle Requires Macromedia Flash Player Webstantaneous Web Marketing Apples for the Teacher. Presidents Activities for Elementary Students Mount Rushmore Jigsaw Puzzle
Online Abraham Lincoln Crossword Puzzle Requires Java Plug-in Hazel Jobe. Abraham Lincoln
Online Abraham Lincoln Jigsaw Puzzle Requires Shockwave plug-in Just Jigsaw Puzzles. Jigsaw Puzzle: Statue of Abraham Lincoln
Printable Abraham Lincoln Crossword Puzzle About, Inc., A part of The New York Times Company. Abraham Lincoln Printables
Printable Abraham Lincoln Crossword Puzzle Enchanted Learning. Abraham Lincoln Page
Enchanted Learning. Abraham Lincoln Page Printable Abraham Lincoln Word Search Puzzle