1 Electrical and Computer Engineering Guitar Virtuos Justin D’Alessando (EE) Jacob Dionne (CSE) Adam Montalbano (CSE) Jeffrey Newton (EE) Team Kelly Midway Design Review
2 Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Progress MDR goals reached: Hardware button interface for one string complete Microcontroller programmed Basic GUI functional Vibration sensors tested Future goals: Interface between microcontroller and GUI Reliable vibration sensors that do not obstruct playability
3 Electrical and Computer Engineering Prototype Completion
4 Electrical and Computer Engineering System Requirements (Revised) Button Interface: Must not affect playability of guitar Avoid wire clutter Vibration Sensors: Must not affect playability of guitar strings Output voltage produced must be recognized as logic ‘1’ Microcontroller: Accurate logic operation on input from buttons Reliable communication with chosen output interface Graphical User Interface: Real-time operation Interfacing with microcontroller output efficiently Provide useful results to user
5 Electrical and Computer Engineering Button Interface Simple mini push button switches used Output of buttons increases to VCC when button is pressed Output fed directly to microcontroller input ports Organization of wires still an issue
6 Electrical and Computer Engineering Button Interface Schematic
7 Electrical and Computer Engineering Digital Logic Circuitry 40-pin ATmega32 microcontrollers perform logic operations Simple code used to decipher correct string and finger placement
8 Electrical and Computer Engineering Digital Logic Circuit Schematic JTAG is used for microcontroller programming only JTAG Pin Assignments Pin 1-Microcontroller Pin 24 Pin 3-Microcontroller Pin 26 Pin 5-Microcontroller Pin 25 Pin 9-Microcontroller Pin 27 Pins 4&7-VCC Pins 2&10-GND
9 Electrical and Computer Engineering Logic and Button Interface Design Concerns Button Interface Height of buttons Organization of wiring Durability Digital Logic Circuit Computer-Microcontroller Interface Placement in final prototype/Spatial restrictions
10 Electrical and Computer Engineering Vibration Sensor Vibration Sensor does not need power. It just needs to be grounded. Measuring the voltage with a multimeter, it never exceeded 5V as stated in the datasheet it could go up to 90V.
11 Electrical and Computer Engineering Microcontroller Programming / Data IO Atmel ATMega32 Microcontroller programmed Microcontroller programmed in C using AVR Studio Microcontroller takes 22 button inputs and determines note being played Note data currently output via Yamaha MIDI=>USB cable
12 Electrical and Computer Engineering Microcontroller Concerns Interface between microcontroller and GUI Currently considering: MIDI=>USB cable Viable data format for GUI other than MIDI Placement of logic functions Microcontrollers vs. hardware logic block Reducing number of inputs (6 strings x 22 buttons) + 6 vibration sensors => 138 inputs Space requirements
13 Electrical and Computer Engineering Graphical User Interface (GUI) Pre-programmed song notes User-played song notes Time Button Panel
14 Electrical and Computer Engineering GUI Design Overview Programmed using Java Swing API Relatively easy to learn due to strong ECE background in Java programming Cross-platform interface Allows panel creation for buttons and shapes Includes methods for painting graphics (i.e. – lines, strings, and rectangles) Allows for real-time positioning of these graphics with coordinates Enables the use of timers for song tempo Allows scrollbars to be created so user can scroll through notes played for feedback
15 Electrical and Computer Engineering GUI Design Progress Achieved goals: User Interface window created Pre-programmed song note and user-played song note displays (fretboard, strings, and notes) implemented Moving display in real-time with song tempo Button panel with Pause, Shred (Play), and Reset Future goals: User feedback Input from microcontroller and song bank Menus and dynamic scrollbars Showing time-dependence of notes
16 Electrical and Computer Engineering Deliverables A fully-functional guitar prototype Basic GUI Microcontroller to software interface Input Output Software Pre-programmed song bank