Rouse Hill Public School Cyclical Review Report Date: October 2011
Established in 1875, Rouse Hill Public School relocated to our current site in Rouse Hill Public School turned 135 years old 21st July In 1875 there were 49 children enrolled and today there are 905 children with a dedicated staff of over 60. Children at Rouse Hill Public School come from mixed and diverse backgrounds and as such all classes comprise students with varying academic and social abilities.
Learning Support Unit (5 classes) Mandarin is offered to all students through LOTE (K-6) and a Bilingual language program for students in two Kindergarten, two Year 1, two Year 2 classes, five hours per week of their school curriculum. Highly active P & C which meets monthly to discuss student welfare, curriculum and planning issues. Provide a wide range of extra curricula activities – dance, choir, band, violin, sport, environment group, debating and public speaking.
Karen Maraga, Principal, Oxley Park Public School - Team Leader Heather Thomas, Principal, Beaumont Hills Public School Kym Murdoch, AP Parramatta North Public School David Brent, Teacher, Ironbark Ridge Public School Leslie Shipley, AP Rouse Hill Public School Cathy Thoroughgood, Teacher Mentor, Rouse Hill Public School Cathy Keller, Senior Education Officer Quality Teaching, Western Sydney Region Kerry Weston, School Development Officer - Coach
Interviews with o Staff (15) o Parents (16) o Students groups (14) 17 Observations of oClasses across all Stages oClassrooms and other teaching spaces oSpecial programs such as SRC and peer support. Survey o718 survey responses from students, parents and staff Documentation oAnalysis of documentation including whole school policies, plans, teaching and learning programs, assessment data and reports to parents oSet of Practical Measures – Analytical Framework
Achievements The school is highly valued by the community and children love being at school. The achievements of the school and students are recognised and celebrated. Future Directions Closer alignment of internal and external data analysis with the school plan and all teaching and learning programs. Explore opportunities for communications on the school website including teaching and learning eg. homework and term overviews.
Achievements The school engages parents and community members in a wide range of school related activities. Staff are supportive of the introduction of PBL and see it as a positive whole school systems approach. Future Directions All annual targets are addressed in the teaching and learning programs. Encourage a culture of shared leadership, ownership and facilitation of programs operating within the school. Expand current administrative processes to allow for electronic payments within all school operations that add to its efficiency.
Summary Staff, students and parents are extremely proud of their school, its achievements and its place within the wider community. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in a wide range of diverse activities that cater for all students. Leadership to articulate a clear statement of values, shared vision and purpose with a central focus on learning. A great place to learn, fun places to play,a big school community so lots of kids - student
Achievements Evidence of explicit delivery of concepts, knowledge and skills in classroom delivery and teacher programs. NAPLAN data indicates significant growth of students in the lower bands. Future Directions Continue and sustain the emphasis on Professional Learning of the literacy continuum and initiate an effective PL model in mathematics, embedding the numeracy continuum within the school K-6. School plan to address the regional focus of ‘moving the middle’.
Achievements Evident that teachers know each student well and cater for their social needs in a caring environment. Highly successful accommodations and learning adjustments for students with special needs within the school. Future Directions Increase student engagement through the effective and innovative use of technology, especially IWB, in classroom teaching and learning, assessment strategies K-6. Utilise all of the Best Start resources, including the Early Learning Plans (ELP) K-2 to inform teaching practice.
Summary Students and parents have a high degree of trust in the teaching and learning that occurs at Rouse Hill Public School. Staff demonstrate a commitment to providing a variety of learning experiences outside the classroom. Alignment and implementation of authentic assessment practices ‘of’ and ‘for’ learning of all KLAs K-6. Learning is fun not like olden days- student Lots of things are working well at our school. Lots of extra curricular programs and the mandarin program- teacher
Achievements Evidence of a strong caring culture within the staff, students and community. Staff are encouraged to and supported in accessing internal and external professional development. Future Directions Development of whole school knowledge, understanding and role in the evaluation processes and development of the school plan, including analysis of school data. More alignment of professional learning and personal learning goals, to the school plan.
Achievements All staff develop their own professional learning plans. Parents value their involvement in all school activities. Staff are dedicated to providing a wide range of experiences for all students. Future Directions Increased transfer of professional learning into practice within classrooms and teaching programs K-6. Build stronger and effective partnership within the Rouse Hill Learning Community. Review of supervision policy and procedures to assist with TARS and EARS and provide transparency and school consistency. Professional Practice and Learning
Summary The school demonstrates a learning community which is valued, planned for and supported as it provides relevant and effective opportunities for its ongoing development. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in a wide range of diverse activities that cater for all students. The community is lucky to have staff that go beyond. Rouse Hill is involved in everything and while it is good for the children it can be exhausting for parents. Parents sometimes don't realize how much work staff do. They may take it for granted. Parent
School Plan to incorporate a whole school focus on developing teachers’ deep knowledge and deep understanding of the literacy continuum K-6 and numeracy continuum K-6 by mapping and tracking students along the continuum. Incorporating the Set of Practical Measures from the Analytical Framework as part of the development and evaluation of the School Plan School Plan incorporates revision of all school policies to ensure all are aligned with current DEC policies.
Continue and expand the consistent whole school approach to student welfare in the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). Alignment and communication of professional learning within the School Plan priority areas, to build leadership capacity within the school. Celebrate and strengthen the positive learning culture and partnerships that exist between parents, students and staff at Rouse Hill Public School.