THERMIDORIAN REACTION ( ) Continued counter- revolutionary uprisings Continued foreign attacks New constitution limited popular participation in govt. Chose 5-man executive: THE DIRECTORY The end of the Terror Robespierre executed so many, lost base of support Robespierre guillotined, June 1794
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON THE DIRECTORY ( ) Victories under young General Napoleon Bonaparte Conquered territories become “sister republics” Crises of 1799 Govt. on brink of bankruptcy Losing control of countryside Turned to army to restore order Napoleon & brother Joseph seize power, Nov. 2, 1799
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON THE CONSULATE Quickly asserted authoritarian rule Bypassed legislative functions Created diverse administration Ended all semblance of free political life Imposed highly centralized structure on govt, curtailing local authority Napoleon made “First Consul” in new 3-man Consulate
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON NAPOLEONIC REFORM Opened govt. offices to anyone of talent, regardless of class Emphasized education Restored relations with Pope: Concordat of 1801 Extended religious toleration
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON NAPOLEONIC REFORM Created new Civil Code (NAPOLEONIC CODE) But little individual liberty Reinforced women’s subordination & lack of rights Upheld many of rights granted by Revolution
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON EMPEROR NAPOLEON Crowns himself in 1804 Between 1804 & 1814, conquers much of Europe Overturned much of old order Reorganized states, created new systems of government Spread ideas of the Revolution Spread NAPOLEONIC CODE Unleashed nationalism
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON EXPANDING THE EMPIRE Main goal = defeat British, but could not 1805: Defeated Austrians & Russians 1806: Defeated Prussians & Russians Forced Russia into alliance Imposed Continental System Battle of Trafalgar Battle of Austerlitz Treaty of Tilsit Tried to subdue Spain JOSEPH BONAPARTE
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON Collapse of Russian alliance Invaded June, 1812 with 595,000 troops BATTLE OF BORODINO, Sept French occupied abandoned Moscow Tsar refused to surrender THE INVASION OF RUSSIA Forced to withdraw, losing many soldiers on way out
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON MOUNTING PROBLEMS Coup attempt in Paris, 1812 Spanish resistance growing, Joseph expelled British & Spanish now planning to invade France Great Powers aligned against him
THE RISE AND FALL OF NAPOLEON NAPOLEON’S END Defeated at Leipzig, Oct Allies invade France, force Napoleon to abdicate Restored Bourbon monarchy, Louis XVIII, 1814 Exiled Napoleon to Elba Escaped Feb. 1815, took back throne (100 DAYS) Defeated at BATTLE OF WATERLOO, June 18 Exiled to St. Helena, died there in 1821