Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study 2007 Climate & Water Resource Forecast meeting Kelso, WA Kim McCartney Upper Columbia Area Office October 3, 2006
STUDY GOALS Improve Anadromous Fish Habitat by Moving Yakima and Naches Rivers Hydrograph toward Natural (unregulated) Shape Provide not less than 70% of a dry-year irrigation water supply for proratable water right holders Provide water supply for future municipal surface water needs
Black Rock Alternative
Bumping Lake enlargement Keechelus-to- Kachess pipeline Wymer Dam & Reservoir Not carried forward to plan formulation - less spring flow - more summer flow - less unregulated than current Not carried forward to plan formulation - Provides minimal extra storage Carried forward to plan formulation - Meets the purpose and need - technically viable stakeholder interest
Schedule Yakima Basin Alternatives Report completed June 2006 Plan Formulation Answer prepared by late fall 2006 – Report prepared for all alternatives – Recommendations for feasibility study Feasibility study and EIS complete by end of 2008
Call Kim: (509) ext 370 Website: Write: Kim McCartney Upper Columbia Area Office 1917 Marsh Road Yakima, WA
Federal FY 2003 Federal FY 2004 Federal FY 2005 Federal FY 2006 Federal FY 2007 Federal FY 2008 Total Storage Study Costs Federal $ 461,893$ 1,932,915$ 1,544,000$ 1,800,000????? $ 5,738,808 State $ 0$ 1,685,136$ 2,185,555$ 1,200,000$ 5,070,691 STORAGE STUDY COSTS