Wind Power Environmental
Birds Wind power’s environment-friendly technology makes it an attractive renewable energy resource. However, wind power projects can be hazardous to wildlife. Birds are killed or injured when they collide with wind turbines. Wind power project construction also may destroy important wildlife habitat or affect wildlife during breeding, feeding or migration.
Birds Wind energy is one of the least harmful energy options to animals and humans. The impacts from other energy sources, the use of wind energy improves environmental conditions for humans, as well as, birds and other wildlife.
Noise Virtually everything with moving parts will make some sound, and wind turbines are no exception. A Wind farm at 350m. The Indicative noise level :
Safety There are many other sensors in the nacelle. E.g. electronic thermometers which check the oil temperature in the gearbox and the temperature of the generator.
Safety Mechanical Braking System The mechanical brake is used as a backup system for the aerodynamic braking system, and as a parking brake, once the turbine is stopped in the case of a stall controlled turbine.
Safety The components of a wind turbine are designed to last 20 years. This means that they will have to endure more than 120,000 operating hours, often under stormy weather conditions. Compare with other engine, it usually only operates only some 5,000 hours during its lifetime.