CoolStateLA Enterprise System CONVERGED NEWSROOM News Director: Prof. Jon Beaupre CS Adviser: Prof. Russ Abbott
CoolStateLA Enterprise System AGENDA 1.Ren Almirol: Project Overview 2.Farrukh Shakil: Asset Manager (Fedora based) 3.Manoj Katwal: STORI (Fedora based) 4.Sepideh Nazari: Workflow Manager 5.Mark Luntzel: Feed Filter 6.Ren Almirol: Joomla CMS 7.Prof. Beaupre: Future work 8.Q & A
Project Overview COOLSTATELA CONVERGED NEWSROOM University Times NewspaperUniversity Times Newspaper News News Website CoolStateLA News Web RadioCoolStateLA News Web Radio CoolStateLA News WebcastCoolStateLA News Webcast
Project Overview COOLSTATELA USERS Reporter/Producer (RP)Reporter/Producer (RP) Editor (E)Editor (E) Assignment Editor (AE)Assignment Editor (AE) Senior Editor (SE)Senior Editor (SE) Programmer/News Assistant (PNA)Programmer/News Assistant (PNA) Advertising Assistant (AA)Advertising Assistant (AA) News Director (ND)News Director (ND)
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Enter MediaEnter Media Request Edit of MediaRequest Edit of Media Edit MediaEdit Media Create/Update News BudgetCreate/Update News Budget Create/Update Run ListCreate/Update Run List Publish MediaPublish Media Program MediaProgram Media
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Create FeedsCreate Feeds Propose StoryPropose Story Confirm Story ProposalConfirm Story Proposal Receive Story Proposal ConfirmationReceive Story Proposal Confirmation Assign StoryAssign Story Confirm Assigned StoryConfirm Assigned Story Receive Assignment ConfirmationReceive Assignment Confirmation
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Create/Update FeedsCreate/Update Feeds –Description: A RP or E uses keywords to search feeds for story leads. –Pre-conditions: None. –Post-conditions: System has record of selected feeds for a particular user.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Propose StoryPropose Story –Description: A producer or editor proposes a story. –Pre-conditions: None. –Post-conditions: A record of the proposed story is stored.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Confirm Story ProposalConfirm Story Proposal –Description: An editor (E, AE, or SE) confirms a story proposal. –Pre-conditions: System has record of proposed story. –Post-conditions: System has confirmatin record of story proposal.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Receive Story Proposal ConfirmationReceive Story Proposal Confirmation –Description: A RP receives confirmation of a story proposal from an editor. –Pre-conditions: System has confirmation record of story proposal. –Post-conditions: System has receipt of
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Assign StoryAssign Story –Description: An editor assigns a story to a RP. –Pre-conditions: System record of proposed story. –Post-conditions: System has record of story assignment.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Confirm Assigned StoryConfirm Assigned Story –Description: A RP confirms an editor’s assigned story. –Pre-conditions: System has record of story assignment. –Post-conditions: System has record of story assignment confirmation by RP.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Receive Assignment ConfirmationReceive Assignment Confirmation –Description: The AE receives assignment confirmation from the RP. –Pre-conditions: System has record of story assignment confirmation by RP. –Post-conditions: System has record of receipt of story assignment confirmation by RP.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Enter MediaEnter Media –Description: A RP enters media into the system. –Pre-conditions: System has record of story assignment. –Post-conditions: System has record of media.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Request Edit of MediaRequest Edit of Media –Description: The assigned editor requests the RP to edit his story media. –Pre-conditions: System record of media. –Post-conditions: System has record of requested edit of media.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Edit MediaEdit Media –Description: The RP edits his story media. –Pre-conditions: System has record of requested edit of media. –Post-conditions: System has record of edited media.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Create/Update News BudgetCreate/Update News Budget –Description: From list of proposed stories, select stories to be written or deactivated. –Pre-conditions: System has record of proposed stories. –Post-conditions: System has record of stories to be written or deactivated.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Create/Update Run ListCreate/Update Run List –Description: From list of stories to be written, view story status, and select publication destination and date. –Pre-conditions: System has record of active stories. –Post-conditions: System has record of story destinations and dates.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Publish MediaPublish Media –Description: The editor approves the story to “Publish” status. –Pre-conditions: System has record of entered or edited media. –Post-conditions: System has record of published media.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA TYPICAL USE CASES Program MediaProgram Media –Description: The PNA and SE work together to program the published story to the appropriate destination (e.g. print, website). –Pre-conditions: System has record of published stories for a particular destination. –Post-conditions: System has record of programmed stories for a particular destination and location.
Project Overview COOLSTATELA ARCHITETURAL COMPONENTS Asset Manager – Fedora basedAsset Manager – Fedora based Workflow ManagerWorkflow Manager Workforce Manager – SettleWorkforce Manager – Settle Newspaper Generator – Adobe InDesignNewspaper Generator – Adobe InDesign News Website Generator – JoomlaNews Website Generator – Joomla News Stream Manager and FilterNews Stream Manager and Filter
Asset Manager (Fedora based) Introduction to FedoraIntroduction to Fedora –Similar to database Stores data and associated metadataStores data and associated metadata Uses query language iTQL similar to SQL to retrieve dataUses query language iTQL similar to SQL to retrieve data –Advantage to database Can retrieve and transform data for delivery to different forms of publication (e.g. newspaper, website, cell phone, etc.) using XSL and XSLTCan retrieve and transform data for delivery to different forms of publication (e.g. newspaper, website, cell phone, etc.) using XSL and XSLT
STORI (Fedora based) FunctionalityFunctionality –Current Inserts, updates, and retrieves story metadata onlyInserts, updates, and retrieves story metadata only –Planned Ingest and update media and associated metadataIngest and update media and associated metadata
Workflow Manager Who are the users?Who are the users? How will it be used?How will it be used? How do these uses map from the Use Cases?How do these uses map from the Use Cases? How does the Workflow Manager map from STORI?How does the Workflow Manager map from STORI?
Feed Filter
Future Work Integration of architectural components.Integration of architectural components. Asset ManagerAsset Manager Workflow ManagerWorkflow Manager STORI – Fedora basedSTORI – Fedora based Reporter Alert SystemReporter Alert System CoolStateLA RadioCoolStateLA Radio CoolStateLA NewscastCoolStateLA Newscast