10Tb 100Tb 1000Tb
WFCAM processing summary semesters: 05A, 05B, 06A, 06B, 07A nights: 81, 166, 95, 157, 50 (68%) 50 Tbytes raw data 17 Tbytes compressed 75 Tbytes processed data 28 Tbytes compressed 3 million 2kx2k images storage: 6 x 4Tbyte RAID5 units 2 x 7Tbyte RAID5 units 4 x 10Tbyte RAID6 units = capacity until end of 07B (grant rollover)
06B features and processing status missing files null files NDR ADU/s channel edge pedestals bar-code corrupted science frames + calibration darks, flats skys impact:
Quality Control parameters sky, images, astrometric, photometric
Nightly photometric zeropoints 06B
WFCAM photometric calibration H J Y Z K WFCAM K-band Zpt semester 05B
Recent processing updates/news more robust correction for cross-talk 06B -> photometric solutions inc. extinction corr (all data) [2MASS s:n>10 in J,H,Ks and 0 ce + ext corr] improved x-y centroiding for all detected objects 06B -> band-specific astrometric WCS solution (all data) MAGZPT, MAGZRR, NUMZPT per pointing (all data) NIGHTZPT, NIGHTZRR, NIGHTNUM /band/night (all data) direct products to PIs, reprocessing PI data, raw data to PIs internet transfers
Astrometric Calibration 2MASS Linear solution per detector Tabulated systematics from stacked residuals WCS - ZPN projection rms < 100 mas
ZYJHKZYJHK ZP galactic extinction - corrected previously E(B-V) ZYJHKZYJHK Photometric calibration 2MASS
Y-band zeropoint calibration (Z)
Photometric residuals J-band 05B 06A (illumination correction ++)
J-band 05B Aug -v- Dec flat
07A 1st April bright moon
WFCAM processing steps prepare - ingest MEFs, check, index, select, preview, process instrumental signature removal - darks, flats, curtains, cross-talk sky artefact correction - group master skys by time/ OB combine - compute shifts, interleave, stack dithers catalog - detect and parameterise objects [aperture photometry] classify - morphological classification [curve-of-growth] astrometry - astrometric calibration per detector photometry - photometric calibration per pointing [detector gain] check - examine QC, reject bad products, visual inspection
Example WFCAM illumination correction 2” diam aperture 4” diam aperture