The K2006 EFL syllabus
What lives on from L97 (general part): - The view of the pupil - The view of learning - The importance of individually adapted learning
New perspectives related to -The National Testing of English Project -The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) -The European Language Portfolio (ELP) -CEF evaluation levels -Basic skills/competence aims -Freedom of method *
* What matters is “… to meet the needs of the individual learners in their social context” (cf Simensen 2005:5)
The structure of the new EFL syllabus: A. Overarching aims for EFL (‘overordna mål’): a societal perspective an individual perspective ‘ Norway in the world’life- ‘ long learning’ Aims for both perspectives are specified in The School Poster (‘Læringsplakaten’)
B. Main areas for EFL (‘hovudområde’): language learningcommunicationculture, society and literature knowledge about - the language - language use - ways of learning a foreign language focus on - real communi- cation - oral and written communication - different types of contexts - different genres focus on - cultural understanding through social life, literature and other cultural expressions - literature for personal enrichment
C. Basic skills in EFL (‘grunnleggande ferdigheiter’) expressing oneself orally and in writing readingarithmeticICT (or digital skills) - important to understand and use English in different types of contexts across cultures and in special fields - read to understand, explore and reflect - to supplement mathematics in L1 - authentic use of language - access to EFL learning resources In the 10-year compulsory school the pupils’ competence in the basic skills is tested after the 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 10th grade (cf National tests)
Timetable: WednesdayThursdayFriday Didactics/methodsPhonetics (A) Grammar (S) Literature and Civilization Didactics/methodsPhonetics (A) Grammar (S) Literature and Civilization* Phonetics (A) Grammar (S) Didactics/methods Literature and Civilization* Phonetics (A) Grammar (S) Didactics/methods Varieties of English (A) Translation (S) Literature and Civilization Literature and Civilization* Varieties of English (A) Translation (S) Literature and Civilization* Literature and Civilization*