The Spread of Christianity and The Early Christian Church
Christianity began in the Roman province of Judea by a Jewish prophet named Jesus Jesus was believed to be the Son of God by His followers and the Messiah (anointed one) Jesus claimed He came to fulfill Jewish law and the prophets, not abolish them Some Jewish leaders felt threatened and turned Him over to Roman authorities who crucified Him
After the death of Jesus, apostles (leaders) began to spread the teachings of Jesus throughout the Roman world. The message of Jesus was shared with Jews at first, but later Gentiles (non-Jews) were included. Peter and Paul were the most influential By A.D. 100 Christian churches had been established in most of the major cities in the eastern part of the empire.
Early Christians will be persecuted by the Romans because they refused to worship the state gods or emperors. Constantine I was the first emperor to become a Christian and issued the Edict of Milan which proclaimed official toleration of Christianity in the empire. Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire under Theodosius I in 380 A.D.
The Christian Church The early Church had five important centers: Rome Constantinople Alexandria Antioch Jerusalem Each of these churches was headed by a Patriarch In time, the patriarch in Rome took the title Pope (father), and held supreme authority over the Christian Church in the west. Gregory I (590-604) is recognized as the first Pope