SLA Acquisition of Chinese by English speakers 他 打 碎 了 花瓶。 ta da sui le huaping. he hit broken le vase
Few research on the acquisition of Chinese resultatives English-speaking students have difficulty in acquiring it Translation problem
Cheng & Huang (1994) Four types of resultatives in Chinese: › Transitive › Ergative › Unergative › Causative
Chen, L. & Oller, J. W. (2008). The use of passives and alternatives in English by Chinese speakers. Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar, 385–416. Cheng, L. L. & Huang, J. (1994). On the argument structure of resultative compounds. Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Language Change, Park, K. & Lakshmanan, U. (2007). The L2 acquisition of the unaccusative-unergative distinction in English resultatives. Proceedings of the…Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development Tai, J. (2003). Cognitive relativism: Resultative construction in Chinese. Language and Linguistics, 4(2), Yuan, B. (1999). Acquiring the unaccusative/unergative distinction in a second language: evidence from English-speaking learners of L2 Chinese. Linguistics, 37(2),
1. Is there a significant difference in performance between the four groups, the intermediate group, intermediate-high group, advanced group, and control group? 2. Is there a significant difference in performance, within the four groups, between the four different resultative construction types: unergative, transitive, ergative and causative? 3. How did learners’ L1 influence their acquisition?
55 students in OU › 20 second year students---intermediate › 15 third year students—intermediate-high › 5 fourth year students---advanced › 15 native Chinese speakers---control
10 short video clips › 7 resultatives › 3 distracters Grammaticality Judgment Test › 20 resultatives › 10 distracters › Provide both characters and pinyin › Designed based on intermediate level
1. Pilot Study to both Chinese and English speakers. Instruments will be revised 2. Participants describe the video clips orally › Audio-recorded › No time limit; as many sentences as possible 3. Grammaticality judgment test › Write down whether they are sure or not
Qualitative Data › Alternative expressions › Error patterns › Most and least likely wrongly judged sentences Quantitative Data Number of grammatical and ungrammatical resultatives Accuracy in judgment
Qualitative Data Analysis › Transcribe › Label based on the four types › Compare substitute and error patterns with English resultatives Quantitative Data Analysis › Frequency be counted and compared among different groups › Compare “scores” › ANOVA
Limited number of participants Cohort effect Instruments are limited by the intermediate level Participants may not be representitive
1. Learners of Chinese use resultatives less frequently. But There might be no significant difference in grammaticality judgment test. 2. Learners of Chinese will have less difficulty in acquiring the transitive type of resultatives, comparing to the other three. 3. Advanced learners will use resultatives more native-like.