1 數位控制(四)
2 Polynomial in z or z -1 It is preferable to express X(z) as a ratio of polynomials in z, rather than z -1.
3 Inverse z transform Direct division method Computational method MATLAB approach Difference equation approach Partial-fraction-expansion method Inversion integral method
4 Direct division method
5 MATLAB approach invz.m X(z) G(z) Y(z) x(k) G(z) y(k)
6 Difference equation approach
7 Partial-Fraction-Expansion Method
9 Inversion Integral Method
10 Z transform method for solving difference equation
11 Difference equation example
12 z Plane Analysis of Discrete-Time Control System z transform method is useful for Single-Input- Single-Outout (SISO) system. Multi-Input-Multi-Outout (MIMO) will be introduced in Chapter 5. It enable us to apply conventional continuous- time design method to discrete-time system. s domain technique
14 Impulse sampling
15 Exercise 2 Ogata B-2-8 B-2-9