School of something FACULTY OF OTHER School of Design FACULTY OF PERFORMANCE, VISUAL ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Growing our own research culture: Investigating the potential for undergraduate to postgraduate progression in an emerging discipline. Dr Jenny Cousens and Dr Katie Beverley
National situation Design education is largely provided by monotechnics and new universities. Until recently professional practice has taken precedence over research Changes in priorities in Higher Education have encouraged greater exploration of research in the context of design. Numbers of postgraduate researchers in creative arts and design are increasing “Design as a discipline is still young (or perhaps is a slow learner)” [Owen, 1998]
Defining Design Research “Design research is an activity in search of a definition” [Roth 1999] Frayling [1993] defines three key modes: Research into design – Historical and aesthetic study, paralleling with Fine Art and a non-science research culture Research through design – Project-based research into material and methods, sharing a culture with Science. Research for design – Purposive creation of objects and systems which result from the research process. Requires an independent, design-specific research culture.
Research Cultures Science culture Group dynamic; research students, post-doctoral staff, research leaders Topics generally akin to larger group interest Informal regular contact with mentors Non-science culture Individual process; students are autonomous as researchers Topic usually selected by student Formal, organised contact with mentors Design-specific culture Not defined; likely to be autonomous and akin to non-science culture; flexible – design research is an emergent area
School of Design Contemporary Art Practice Fashion Design Graphics and Communication Textile Design MA/MSc Design MSc Advanced Textiles and Performance Clothing PhD Study
Project Aims Identify trigger factors involved in undergraduate to postgraduate progression. Identify perceived barriers to progression. Interrogate existing learning and teaching provision and identify current good practice and potential areas for development. Identify practical ways to “interest and inspire students to develop a passion for their chosen disciplines, a love of learning and engage students in the process of research”
Project Methodology – Phase 1 Identification of varying transitional routes: Non-Science culture → Non-Science culture Non-Science culture → Science culture Science culture → Science culture Identification of trigger factors associated with each group, through focus groups and questionnaires. Identification of perceived barriers to progression, through focus group discussions and questionnaires with undergraduates. Each culture is being questioned regarding their definition of Design research.
Group Discussion Consider the following: Personal experience: What inspired/encouraged your progression to postgraduate study. Departmental experience: Existing research cultures Transitional trends and mechanisms Key undergraduate provision to encourage progression
The story so far Focus group with existing PhD students Non-science to non-science culture: “Research into design” Non-science to science culture, direct entry: “Research through design” Non-science to science culture, via MSc (science culture): “Research through design”. Motivation Differentiation; for academic and non-academic careers Interest and past experience external to the University “A passion for the discipline” Triggers Inspiring individual researchers Opportunity to research at undergraduate or taught masters level Exposure to research staff and students What is design research? So far, confusion reigns! Strong knowledge on existing cultures; limited knowledge of concept of design-specific research cultures, particularly practice-based research
Next steps Continuation of Phase 1 (incorporating findings from today as context) Phase 2 Mapping research-led teaching and research cultures through undergraduate portfolio (existing and future) Identify and disseminate existing good practice Develop an idealised framework of key L&T activities and events which will encourage progression and expose students to research excellence